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Foreign Currency

  • Looking at: the US Federal Funds Target Rate

    David Buckland
    February 12, 2014

    The US Federal Reserve target rate is one of the most influential interest rates in the US economy, and is applicable to the most credit-worthy institutions when they borrow and lend overnight funds to each other. continue…

    by David Buckland Posted in Economics, Foreign Currency, Insightful Insights.
  • Watch this space: Emerging Markets, External Debt and Currency Decline

    David Buckland
    January 30, 2014

    In recent weeks, there has been a lot of commentary on the decline of certain emerging market currencies. Not unlike the Swiss bank loans that were heavily promoted to Australian farmers in the mid-1980s, a declining currency can have a devastating effect on the value of the outstanding external principal borrowed. continue…

    by David Buckland Posted in Foreign Currency.

    Switzer: Emerging Markets and Currency Decline

    David Buckland
    January 29, 2014

    In this interview with Peter Switzer, broadcast on Sky Business, David Buckland takes a look at the issues facing investors when it comes to emerging markets and the decline of their currencies.

    by David Buckland Posted in Economics, Foreign Currency, TV Appearances.

    Dear investor, should you invest in this float?

    Roger Montgomery
    October 10, 2013

    OzForex is an online platform providing foreign exchange transfer services for consumers and businesses. In this white paper we explain why the business meets many of our tests for an extraordinary business, but why price is the only stumbling block to our participation. continue…

    by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Foreign Currency, Whitepapers.
  • What’s the forecast?

    Tim Kelley
    July 5, 2013

    Interesting to see the rash of revisions to forecasts for the A$ exchange rate. Various investment houses are today offering substantially lower forecasts for where the A$ will trade during 2014 compared with their previous calls. continue…

    by Tim Kelley Posted in Foreign Currency.


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  • Is Japan the Next Black Swan?

    Roger Montgomery
    May 22, 2012

    Forget Europe. That’s old news. The next surprise might just be a bursting of Japan’s bond bubble.  Nay, a bursting of Japan itself?

    According to Fitch, gross general government debt of Japan is likely to reach 239 percent of GDP by end-2012, the highest for any Fitch-rated sovereign. Moreover, Japan’s Fiscal Management Strategy envisages declines in the government debt/GDP ratio only from fiscal year 2021.

    Would you lend Japan money (or any country with these financials) at rates approaching zero?

    Strong private savings contribute to the country’s persistent current account surpluses. But that’s all going to change as ageing baby boomers (who the government has been borrowing money from at near zero rates – its called financial repression) start to ‘dissave’. As they get older they will stop saving and start needing the cash to finance retirement and healthcare. The result is that the government will need to turn to foreign investors for cash and they are not going to accept zero rates when the country has debt of 240% of GDP.

    According to Bloomberg: “How low can bond yields go without triggering a meltdown?

    “This question gains urgency as 10-year government yields disappear before the world’s eyes. At 0.83 percent, the lowest level since 2003, they hardly compensate investors for the risks inherent in buying IOUs from the most indebted nation. Public debt is more than twice the size of the $5.5 trillion economy. Worse, it’s still growing. Fitch Ratings today lowered the sovereign-credit rating by one step to A+ with a negative outlook because of Japan’s “leisurely” efforts to cut debt.

    “Ignore news that gross domestic product rose an annualized 4.1 percent from the final three months of 2011. The only reason Japan is growing at all is excessive borrowing and zero interest rates. The moment Japan trims its debt, growth plunges, deflation deepens and politicians will demand that the Bank of Japan do more. That’s been Japan’s lot for 20 years now.
    Yet what if the BOJ isn’t just setting Japan up for the mother of all crises, but holding the economy back?

    “A bizarre dynamic is dominating Japan’s financial system, one evidenced by two-year debt yields falling to about 0.095 percent. That is below the upper range of the BOJ’s zero-to-0.1 percent target for official borrowing costs. It’s below the 0.1 percent interest rate the BOJ pays banks for excess reserves held at the central bank. Such rates raise serious questions.

    “The BOJ does reverse auctions where it buys government debt from the market. Last week, it failed to get enough offers from bond dealers. Now think about that: The BOJ prints yen and uses it to buy government debt from banks, which typically hoard the stuff. Last week, banks essentially said: “No, thank you. We’d rather have these dismal interest-bearing securities than your cash, because there’s really nowhere to put that cash anyway.” Banks certainly aren’t lending.

    “Politicians are pounding the table demanding that the BOJ expand its asset-purchase program. That, of course, isn’t possible. The BOJ can hardly force banks to swap their bonds for cash. So Japan is left with a problem unique to modern finance. Banks like to keep more cash on deposit at the BOJ than they need to in order to earn a 0.1 percent rate of return, which is pretty good by Japan standards. To pay that rate, the BOJ creates new money, which does nothing to help the economy.

    “This dynamic keeps Japan’s monetary engine in neutral at best, and at times running in reverse. Japan’s central bank is essentially now there to support bond prices. It’s a huge intervention that gets little attention. Headlines roll every time the Ministry of Finance sells yen in currency markets. The BOJ’s debt manipulation barely registers.”

    Why today?

    Last year it was Iron Ore and recently it was minings services for which we suggested conventional wisdom should be questioned.  I am posting this topic today because Fitch Ratings lowered Japan’s credit ratings citing rising risks to the sovereign credit profile due to higher public debt ratios.

    The long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings were lowered to ‘A+’ from ‘AA’ and ‘AA-‘ respectively. The Negative outlook on ratings was maintained.

    “The country’s fiscal consolidation plan looks leisurely relative even to other fiscally-challenged high-income countries, and implementation is subject to political risk,” Andrew Colquhoun, Head of Asia-Pacific Sovereigns at Fitch.

    The agency warned that a lack of new fiscal policy measures aimed at stabilizing public finances amid continued rises in government debt ratios could lead to a further downgrade.

    Posted by Roger Montgomery, Value.able author, Skaffold Chairman and Fund Manager, 22 May 2012.

    by Roger Montgomery Posted in Foreign Currency, Global markets, Market Valuation.