The year ahead, tell us what you think
Dean Curnow
January 25, 2019
Through late-December I was lucky enough to be on holiday with my partner and her family in sunny Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Some of my joy was clouded by the wave of headlines, and seeing the performance numbers for December across world markets. Continue…
by Dean Curnow Posted in Market commentary.
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Which stores will e-commerce hit the hardest?
Roger Montgomery
January 24, 2019
Research by UBS shows that online purchases in the US will grow to around 20 per cent of all purchases by 2022. This upward trend should also occur in Australia. But the pain won’t be equally felt by all brick & mortar stores. Some might be hit particularly hard. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Consumer discretionary.
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- POSTED IN Consumer discretionary.
Wake up Australia
David Buckland
January 24, 2019
David Buckland joined Michael McLaren on Wake Up Australia on 2GB to discuss the current state of the economy. According to the IMF, the global economy is weakening at a rate faster than expected. Global growth is forecast for 3.5 per cent in 2019, and 3.6 per cent in 2020, so is all this doom and gloom necessary?
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Analysis in selling could be just as important as buying
Joseph Kim
January 24, 2019
In the world of investing, there is significant attention spent on which stocks to buy and add to a portfolio – fundamental company and industry research, techniques to determine intrinsic value and financial analysis are just three potential areas of focus for a prospective investment. Rarely however, do you see much attention devoted to the other critical part of the equation – when to sell. Continue…
by Joseph Kim Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
Money News 22.01.2019
David Buckland
January 23, 2019
David Buckland joined Ross Greenwood to discuss the current state of the economy. Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff has raised his concerns about China exhausting its credit driven growth model. If this is the case, how will it impact the economy?
by David Buckland Posted in Editor's Pick, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Radio.
Housing credit is tight – and could get even tighter
Andreas Lundberg
January 23, 2019
The latest credit data paints a gloomy picture for the housing market. Over the past year or so, we’ve seen new finance commitments trend down for owner occupiers and investors, and a very significant increase in loan rejections. Credit could get even tighter once the Royal Commission into financial services hands down its recommendations. Continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Property.