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How much do you really need for retirement? A smarter solution to fund your ideal lifestyle
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How much do you really need for retirement? A smarter solution to fund your ideal lifestyle
Roger Montgomery
March 25, 2025
Retirement planning is a puzzle that leaves many scratching their heads, wondering, “How much is enough?” Ask Google that question, and out spews a hundred different opinions, many written to avoid offence. Even the experts don’t always agree. From ambitious pre-retirement targets to debates about how our spending patterns change as we age, there are as many plans for retirement as people providing them. continue…
Retirement planning is a puzzle that leaves many scratching their heads, wondering, “How much is enough?” Ask Google that question, continue...
With all the current talk of a stockmarket correction, you might have entirely missed another example of irrational exuberance followed by despondency. What we have here is another period that offered an important lesson for investors – the need to adapt.