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The outlook for the resources, retail and banking sectors
Roger Montgomery
April 4, 2017
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Video Insights.
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Five rules to win a price war – at least in the short term
Scott Shuttleworth
April 3, 2017
With Amazon set to enter the Australian market later this year, many of Australia’s leading retailers are gearing up for the fight of their lives. We think they would do well to take note of recent analysis by MIT Sloan School of Management, which identifies five rules for management to follow to maximise their chances of success. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Market commentary.
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Watch out retailers: here comes Amazon
Roger Montgomery
April 3, 2017
Amazon is about to hit our shores, and its arrival is bound to be as disruptive here as it has been in the U.S. But which retailers should be most worried? And is there anything they can do to protect market share in the face of this retail juggernaut? Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies.
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Banks and property investors should brace for increased capital requirements
Stuart Jackson
March 31, 2017
One of the drivers behind the recent bank rally has been a perception we are over the worst of the risks around increasing regulatory capital requirements. But are we? A report card from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision indicates this view might be a little premature. If so, there could be ramifications for banks and property investors alike. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Editor's Pick, Financial Services.
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Can Coles and Woolies fight the Aldi onslaught?
Scott Shuttleworth
March 29, 2017
So far, Aldi has had a relatively small impact on Coles and Woolworths. But that is set to change as the German retailer continues its expansion strategy. In the longer term, we expect to see their returns on capital decline. If that occurs, it will translate into lower shareholder returns. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies.
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Money News 29.03.2017
Stuart Jackson
March 29, 2017
In this interview with Ross Greenwood, Stuart Jackson discusses investors chasing dividend yields.
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Radio.
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