Money news 01.08.2017
David Buckland
August 4, 2017
David Buckland joined Ross Greenwood on Money News where he discusses the reporting season and how to deal with company’s underperforming.
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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- POSTED IN Radio.
Hold the phone, how are the telcos?
Roger Montgomery
August 3, 2017
The telecommunications sector endured a horrible year in 2016 with slumping share prices reflecting the uncertainty of the viability of various business models ahead of the completion of the NBN rollout. Downgrades, writedowns and capital raisings are just some of the events shareholders themselves have had to endure. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Technology & Telecommunications.
Nerve over intellect
Lisa Fedorenko
August 3, 2017
Warren Buffet was once asked whether intelligence or discipline is more important in investing. His response: “To be a great investor you don’t have to have a terrific IQ. If you’ve got 160 IQ, sell 30 points to somebody else because you won’t need it in investing. What you do need is the right temperament.” Let’s look at some ways to develop the ‘right temperament’. Continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
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Could mobile eclipse fixed broadband?
Tim Kelley
August 2, 2017
Just as mobile telephony has led to a plunge in fixed line connections, it’s possible that mobile broadband could have a similar effect on fixed line broadband. If this happens, there will be major implications for broadband service providers, mobile operators and the NBN. Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Technology & Telecommunications.
Which is a better investment – property or shares?
Andreas Lundberg
August 2, 2017
After a previous post on negative gearing, a reader asked us what an investment property would look like from a company value analysis perspective. Good question. Here’s my attempt to answer it. You may find it useful when considering your next investment decision. Continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Property.
Why we continue to keep the telcos on hold
Scott Shuttleworth
August 1, 2017
Lately, there have been media reports about potential changes to NBN Co’s pricing structure for wholesale services to broadband providers. Could this be good news for Australia’s telcos? Well, right now, the jury is out. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Technology & Telecommunications.
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- POSTED IN Technology & Telecommunications.