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The future of transportation
Scott Shuttleworth
January 30, 2018
One theme that we’re paying particular attention to at Montgomery is the prospect of autonomous cars – once thought as an unlikely futuristic scenario, it now appears that at least in the next 30 years this technology will become widely available.
Continue…by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Manufacturing, Technology & Telecommunications.
Why growing household debt makes us concerned
Stuart Jackson
January 29, 2018
Latest figures show Australia’s household debt and gearing keep on rising, with the ratio of household debt to disposable income now at record levels. The recent rise has been largely due to the loan book growth of smaller institutions and non-traditional lenders, often to higher-risk borrowers. This is a worrying development. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Financial Services.
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- POSTED IN Financial Services.
MONEY NEWS 23.01.2018
David Buckland
January 25, 2018
In this interview with Ross Greenwood, David discusses Domain and McGrath. The share prices of both companies significantly dropped on Monday although they are recovering. What are the fundamental issues that investors need to be aware of?
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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7 bitcoin alternatives
Lisa Fedorenko
January 25, 2018
This is a follow-up piece to part 1, in which we discussed some of the technical limitations of the Bitcoin blockchain implementation. Today I’m going to give a brief introduction to seven[1] alternative cryptocurrencies. I will start with four strongly performing currencies which aim to address some of the issues in Bitcoin. Then I’ll introduce three more amusing alternatives. Continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Editor's Pick, Foreign Currency.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Foreign Currency.
If the VIX is low, is it time to go?
Scott Shuttleworth
January 23, 2018
The Volatility Index – better known as ‘the VIX’ – is the most widely followed measure of stock market risk. Since March 2012, the VIX has remained stubbornly low, and some see this as a sign of a frothy market that’s about to sell off. I don’t necessarily agree, but what’s the best investment strategy just in case they’re right? Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Economics, Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Economics, Editor's Pick, Market commentary.