Market commentary
Borrowing to invest just adds to market volatility
Roger Montgomery
April 18, 2017
Before I begin, let me add a caveat. Here I am always referring to something of quality. By that I mean the asset about which I speak has an enduring characteristic and or its long run worth will be higher because it will earn more in the future than it does today thanks to inflation or an ability to reinvest profits at attractive rates of return.
continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Could automation eat your job?
David Buckland
April 12, 2017
As if there’s not enough to worry about these days. Now, a report by PwC estimates that automation will put at risk a large percentage of jobs in developed countries within 20 years. Sure, new job opportunities will emerge. But, in all likelihood, we will see increased income inequality and less job security. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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How can a business gain a competitive advantage?
Lisa Fedorenko
April 7, 2017
As value investors, we are always on the lookout for businesses with a competitive advantage. Having a competitive advantage can give a business an edge over rivals and an ability to generate greater value for shareholders. But what do we really mean by competitive advantage, and how does it come about? continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Market commentary.
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Five rules to win a price war – at least in the short term
Scott Shuttleworth
April 3, 2017
With Amazon set to enter the Australian market later this year, many of Australia’s leading retailers are gearing up for the fight of their lives. We think they would do well to take note of recent analysis by MIT Sloan School of Management, which identifies five rules for management to follow to maximise their chances of success. continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Market commentary.
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Could the Government’s lending restrictions backfire?
Stuart Jackson
March 28, 2017
The law of unintended consequences states that actions – particularly by government – can have adverse effects that are unanticipated or unintended. This law could soon play out as a result of lending restrictions placed on the major banks by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Market commentary.
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Why investing in index funds and blue chips is for the birds
Roger Montgomery
March 24, 2017
Investors are being increasingly lobbied to buy funds that track one or more share indices. These index funds are being marketed as a safe, idiot-proof place to diversify your investment. People who are attracted to index funds are also commonly drawn to the so-called ‘blue chips’. But recent research shows this type of ‘investing’ is anything but safe. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
Growing inequality shows how the pie is being sliced
David Buckland
March 21, 2017
In the recent US elections, Donald Trump successfully harnessed strong voter discontent about rising inequality. He had a point. Recent data show an ever widening gap between the haves and have nots, and falling confidence in the political class. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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Is technical analysis mere hocus pocus?
Roger Montgomery
March 15, 2017
As an investor, you’ll have seen some market commentators extol the virtues of ‘technical’ analysis, or charting. And it’s easy to believe there is some science behind the approach. But is there really? And is it as successful as fundamental analysis, which looks at the earnings and cash flow of a business? continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Torpedo alert: the high-risk stocks we are avoiding right now
Tim Kelley
March 9, 2017
One of the unpleasant realities of equity market investing is that, from time to time, a portfolio company will deliver disappointing news and suffer a rapid and dramatic decline in market value. These “torpedo stocks” are not only psychologically painful, but can also impact significantly on returns. It is sometimes said that the secret to outperformance is less about finding the big winners, and more about steering clear of the big losers. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary, Montgomery News and Updates.
New research shows why it pays for investors to keep informed
David Buckland
March 7, 2017
A recent article by academics from the London Business School shows why it’s so important to stay informed of trends and movements in the business landscape. Keeping in touch means you can identify industries that are emerging, and those that are under threat – and shape your portfolio accordingly. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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