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How network effects are made – and broken
Lisa Fedorenko
May 10, 2017
Look at any tech IPO nowadays and I bet you come across the term “network effects”. Network effects give a business a strong competitive advantage and are a source of value creation. So, what are they, how do they come about, and how can they be disrupted? Continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Technology & Telecommunications.
Are banks and resources starting to roll over?
Roger Montgomery
May 9, 2017
In this week’s video insight Roger discusses the outlook for banks, retailers and resource companies. He also discusses the recent performance of Montgomery’s domestic and global funds.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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How to use shrinkage to fine-tune your forecasts
Tim Kelley
May 9, 2017
The acclaimed economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, once quipped: “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” Sometimes, it feels like the same can be said of investment forecasting, because predicting the future is not easy. But there are tools we can use to help minimise errors. Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
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“This is a book you simply must read.
The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
Sky Business: Switzer TV featuring David Buckland
David Buckland
May 8, 2017
David Buckland joins Peter Switzer on Switzer TV for a look at the stocks he’s watching and how the market is performing right now.
by David Buckland Posted in TV Appearances.
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What you can learn by attending an equity conference
Andreas Lundberg
May 5, 2017
Each year brings forth a new batch of invitations to equity and investor conferences. At first glance, the conferences seem informative. But is there really any value in attending? Well, having just gone to my first one for some time, I thought I’d present a few thoughts on what I think you will – and won’t – get out of a conference. Continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary.
Help us help less fortunate but ambitious and deserving kids
Roger Montgomery
May 5, 2017
Today we are asking you to help, any way you can, the life changing and high ROE work of School for Life – a charity Montgomery is very excited to support. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
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- POSTED IN Montgomery News and Updates.