Investing Education
Hybrid Securities – Equity Downside for Fixed Interest Returns
Tim Kelley
November 16, 2012
We often hold a material amount of cash in our funds management operation and, with deposit rates at painfully low levels, we have been considering ways we might work the cash a bit harder. Like many investors, we have focused attention on hybrid securities as one possibility.
Having studied this possibility for a short time we are now focusing elsewhere. Analysis of the terms of some of the recent offerings reveals highly complex instruments with concealed downside risks and an interest rate that falls well short of compensating investors for the hidden downside. A cynical observer might think that some of these products are designed to exploit retail investors who are unable to fully assess the downside risks they are taking on.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
What are Tim Kelley’s insights on Exchange Traded Funds?
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2012
Do Energy Action (EAX), Central Petroleum (CTP), Perseus (PRU), Iluka Resources (ILU), AGL (AGK), Matrix (MCE), Reward Minerals (RWD), FKP Property (FKP), Rio Tinto (RIO), Telecom NZ (TEL), Hills Holdings (HIL), Aurora (AUT), DWS (DWS) Cash Converters (CCV) or NAB (NAB) achieve the coveted A1 grade? Watch this edition of Sky Business’ Your Money Your Call 15 November 2012 program now to find out, and also learn Tim’s insights on Exchange Traded Funds. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Investing Education, TV Appearances.
Three cliches that cost you money
Roger Montgomery
November 10, 2012
In this Australian article published 10 November 2012 Roger discusses why listening to share market cliches is likely to result in poor portfolio returns. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
New Car Anyone?
Roger Montgomery
November 8, 2012
By Russell Muldoon & Roger Montgomery
We like to keep an eye on monthly new car sales statistics produced by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries. For a number of businesses we are interested in, including Carsales and ARB Corporation, they are both beneficiaries of a high level of new vehicle turnover.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights, Investing Education, Manufacturing.
RBA favours ‘riskier’ investments?
Tim Kelley
November 7, 2012
In the wake of the RBA’s decision to leave interest rates unchanged it’s interesting to see some of the commentary on the attractiveness of fixed interest versus ‘riskier’ investments, including property and shares. RBA governor Glenn Stevens is reported to favour investors moving into these asset classes away from low-yielding term deposits.
We have recently been doing some interesting analysis to better understand the long-term value proposition currently offered by the Australian equity markets. We will share the results of the analysis here when completed, but the emerging view – for those with a long-term perspective – is that governor Stevens has a valid point.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
Know your Options
Tim Kelley
November 1, 2012
From time to time we are asked about option strategies. There are many different types of option strategy, and the merits of any given one depends very much on the particular strategy and the circumstances, but there are a few general principles that are worth keeping in mind. These include:-
– Buying or writing options is a zero sum game. This means that when one person sells an option to another, one of them will win and the other will lose. This is in contrast to ordinary shares where it’s reasonable for all long-term investors to expect a positive return
continue…by Tim Kelley Posted in Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
Go against the flow and thrive
Roger Montgomery
October 27, 2012
In this Australian article published 27 October 2012 Roger discusses how behaving counterintuitively may result in better performance for your portfolio. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Insightful Insights, Investing Education, Market Valuation.
Why the Stock Market Doesn’t Work (White Paper)
Roger Montgomery
October 19, 2012
What is ailing the stock market and why have investors deserted it in droves?
Founder of Montgomery Investment Management and author of value-investing bestseller reveals the steps he is taking to ensure investor returns and investors return.
This white paper is exclusively for Roger subscribers.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Whitepapers.
What is your best performing stock pick for the next 9 months?
Roger Montgomery
October 5, 2012
September was a challenging month for investors but Montgomery chalked up another outperformance in both The Montgomery [Private] Fund and The Montgomery Fund (see figure 1).
Of course in the short term the performance of share prices can be attributed to noise and randomness and so the bigger question is always; which businesses will be worth substantially more in the future?
What is your suggestion for the best performing stock for the next nine months to June 30, 2012?
Pick the best performing stock in the next nine months and gain fame and notoriety, kudos and credit.
Each month we’ll track the list and present the table until June 30, 2012.
All the best and stay tuned.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Intrinsic Value, Investing Education.
A good time to consider allocating to equities ?
Tim Kelley
September 27, 2012
At Montgomery Investment Management we don’t claim any special ability to predict where equity markets will go next, but we do know that buying equities when they are relatively inexpensive is a reliable path to better than average long-term returns. One simple way of gauging relative value is to compare the dividend yield for the market as a whole with its historical average (although we don’t advocate valuing individual companies in this way). It’s worth noting that the current dividend yield on the ASX All Ordinaries is around 4.65%, vs an average of 3.84% for the last 20 years (Source: IRESS).
by Tim Kelley Posted in Insightful Insights, Investing Education.