what looks attractive this year
Tim Kelley
January 20, 2015
In these highlights from Your Money Your Call, Tim Kelley discusses expectations around quantitative easing out of the European Central Bank and attractive companies in the Australian market. Watch here.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Investing Education, TV Appearances.
Is the US too expensive?
Russell Muldoon
January 15, 2015
With headlines booming across the newswires such as “U.S. Retakes Helm of Global Economy” citing the US economy is on the up, the US market has soared as share prices – on average – have baked-in a clear road ahead for listed businesses and their earnings prospects.
But just to what extent? continue…
by Russell Muldoon Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Market Valuation.
Should you be buying Fairfax Media?
Scott Shuttleworth
January 13, 2015
Fairfax Media Limited (ASX: FXJ) announced yesterday that it has acquired 100% (up from 50%) of the shares on issue of Metro Media Publishing Holdings (MMPH). You can read the announcement on the ASX here.
In a nutshell, Fairfax will issue 68.5 million new shares which implies a transaction value of $72 million (including $18.5 million in cash). The firm’s current shareholders will receive 65% of their consideration in shares and the remaining balance in cash. continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies, Media Companies.
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Did we see any new opportunities in 2014?
Roger Montgomery
January 8, 2015
Over the next few days, we will take a look back at 2014 and highlight the most popular articles based on your views and comments.
Each week, we scan the market for fresh opportunities. If you’re doing the same – only to come up with a very small handful of desirable candidates (many of which you probably own already) – then you’re in good company. More important than our list is the observation that there are enough high quality candidates to at least fill part of a portfolio.
I was thinking about why there might just be an almighty stock market boom sometime between now and 2016.
In September, one of our preferred ‘Sells’ over recent years has been Arrium Ltd (ASX: ARI), formerly known as OneSteel.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Market Valuation.
Key issues for 2015
Roger Montgomery
January 5, 2015
In December I wrote an article for the ASX Investor Update, I thought I would share my thoughts with you as a welcome back to the year ahead.
What you should be watching out for in 2015 and what to expect with property prices, index funds and shares. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Consumer discretionary, Energy / Resources, Financial Services, Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
Corporates behaving badly?
Roger Montgomery
December 22, 2014
Court finds Coles engaged in unconscionable conduct and orders Coles pay $10 million penalties.
The Federal Court has today, by consent, made declarations in two proceedings instituted by the ACCC that Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd engaged in unconscionable conduct in 2011 in its dealings with certain suppliers.
The Court has also ordered Coles pay combined pecuniary penalties of $10 million and costs. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Consumer discretionary, Insightful Insights.
Battle of the mobiles – who is the winner?
Scott Shuttleworth
December 15, 2014
Commsday ran a test of the various major mobile networks to see which performed best in various environments on their shiny new 4G services. A full copy of the report can be found here.
Telstra took first place with solid results across the board. This wasn’t unexpected result, Telstra owns the most and highest quality mobile spectrum as well as the most expansive network of wireless infrastructure in the country.
Optus was second, whilst Vodafone was third having been weighed down by poor results when the mobiles were streaming from Youtube. continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Technology & Telecommunications.
It’s not all doom & gloom in retail
Scott Shuttleworth
December 11, 2014
Upmarket furniture seller Nick Scali (ASX: NCK) had an excellent financial year in 2014 with its success seemingly continuing into FY15. I’ve made a few notes on their outlook, whilst reading through the Chairman & Managing Director’s 2014 AGM addresses, which you can read in full here. continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies, Consumer discretionary,
Does a lower price mean the shares are cheap?
Russell Muldoon
December 5, 2014
Following on from our recent blog post here and our Head of Research, Tim Kelley’s video blog – on the changing supermarket industry landscape – we are naturally watching the developments in the sector closely (from the sidelines), taking a keen interest in the half year result reported this week by Metcash Limited (ASX:MTS).
To quickly summarise: their half year results showed continued deterioration to which the market has reacted accordingly, with their share price down circa 27 per cent since. continue…
by Russell Muldoon Posted in Companies, Consumer discretionary, Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
What is the machine teaching us?
Tim Kelley
December 4, 2014
Alert readers will recall that in June this year we set out to explore the merits of applying machine learning technology to stock selection. We went through a process of “training” a learning algorithm called a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to pick stocks, and then in mid-June we asked it to nominate a top 20 and a bottom 20 from the ASX200. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Investing Education