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After losing its froth, is Breville a ‘buy’ once more?
Roger Montgomery
April 14, 2023
I’ve followed Breville Group (ASX: BRG) – which makes and markets home appliances such as coffee makers – for a long time. And I’ve always been impressed by the firm’s management, approach and execution. With the current share price around 40 per cent off its highs, and the company trading on a retailer-type price to earnings (P/E) ratio, I think there’s an opportunity for investors to buy this quality business at an attractive price. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.
Why we have exposure to the long-term EV theme
Gary Rollo
April 13, 2023
In this week’s video insight, Scott Phillips our Head of Distribution joined Gary Rollo, Portfolio Manager for the Montgomery Small Companies Fund to discuss the long-term electric vehicle (EV) theme, what’s been happening in global markets and the team’s approach to investing in EV. Continue…
by Gary Rollo Posted in Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Video Insights.
Newmont Mining makes third offer for Newcrest Mining in a “best and final” bid
David Buckland
April 12, 2023
After first purchasing the company in October 2022, readers of The Montgomery Fund reports will know we have steadily added to the position in Newcrest Mining (ASX:NCM) over recent months. The market continued to positively reappraise the company’s progress to strengthen its production profile through acquisitions (in Tier 1 sites) and extend the mine life of its existing high-quality assets. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Companies, Stocks We Like.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Stocks We Like.
What we can learn from Japan’s ageing population
Roger Montgomery
April 12, 2023
Japan’s population is getting older. Today, the ‘land of the rising sun’ has the world’s highest median age, and is the world’s fastest ageing country. Largely as a consequence, innovation, investment and development are slowing, and this is contributing to the country’s ongoing economic stagnation. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets.
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- POSTED IN Global markets.
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Ausbiz: Looking for growth
Roger Montgomery
April 11, 2023
In this interview with Ausbiz Roger shares his views on the current economic landscape and its effect on interest rates. Markets typically boom in the early stages of a recession and recover as people begin to look towards the future. Will small caps begin to outperform large caps and will growth companies catch up to defensives? Watch the interview: Looking for growth with Roger Montgomery
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN On the Internet, TV Appearances.
The Aura High Yield SME Fund receives a “Very Strong” rating from Foresight Analytics
David Buckland
April 11, 2023
The Aura High Yield SME Fund recently received a “Very Strong” Investment Rating from Foresight Analytics, indicating a “very strong conviction” Aura “can deliver a risk-adjusted return in line with the investment objectives of the Fund.” And given its “Complex” designation, I thought it valuable to reiterate some of the more insightful points in the report. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Aura Group.
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- POSTED IN Aura Group.
Is the Future of E-Commerce Still Bright?
Polen Capital
April 6, 2023
Three years ago, in March 2020, the head of the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Immediately after, entire nations went into lockdown, upending life as we knew it. Amid the health crisis, people adapted to the “new normal” by adjusting their lifestyles and developing new habits. Fast forward to today, we can see that several trends which emerged during the pandemic were quick to fade, while others are likely to have long-lasting implications in the post-pandemic era. Continue…
by Polen Capital Posted in Consumer discretionary, Polen Capital.
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- POSTED IN Consumer discretionary, Polen Capital.
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand wrong foots economists…again
David Buckland
April 5, 2023
One way to reduce inflationary expectations is for the Central Bank to aggressively lift their official cash rate to a level whereby the countries’ consumers are in enormous pain, thereby crunching the economy. And with today’s 0.5 per cent tightening to 5.25 per cent, the 11th since 6 October 2021, that is exactly what the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) had in mind. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary.