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Is the extraordinary bond market rally about to end?
David Buckland
January 25, 2017
The 36-year bond bull market is stretched and set for a serious nose dive, says Harvard University researcher, Paul Schmelzing. Schmelzing says global inflation could trigger large losses on bond holdings, subpar growth in developed markets, and balance sheet risks for banks. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Economics, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Economics, Market commentary.
Money News 24.01.2017
David Buckland
January 25, 2017
In this interview with Ross Greenwood, David Buckland talks about the Trump inauguration and the impact on the American economy; what is the impact for the Australian market.
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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After its price plunge, is McMillan Shakespeare a bargain?
Scott Shuttleworth
January 25, 2017
Since hitting a high of around $15 in mid-2016, McMillan Shakespeare (ASX: MMS) has fallen to around $11. At this price, and with a demonstrated ability to consistently earn high returns on equity, it seemed like a good candidate for inclusion in our portfolios. So we conducted some due diligence. The outcome is a must-read for all would-be investors. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick.
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Trialling a New Car Model
Ben MacNevin
January 24, 2017
Carsales (ASX: CAR) has an indirect investment in carconnect, a site that’s trying to disrupt the way new cars are sold in Australia. Many people dislike haggling with dealers, so carconnect has flipped the model to make dealers tender for your business online. Sounds great for buyers right? But what’s the potential upside for Carsales? Continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Companies.
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- POSTED IN Companies.
Discover how to value the best stocks and buy them for less than they’re worth.
“This is a book you simply must read.
The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
Warning: there might be bank pain ahead
Roger Montgomery
January 20, 2017
Since early November 2016, owners of Australian bank shares have been heartened to see stock prices rise sharply. But this could be as good as it gets – at least for a while – and it may be time for shareholders to take some profits and seek out opportunities in over-sold small and midcap companies. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick, Financial Services.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Editor's Pick, Financial Services.
netwealth webinar: How to find undervalued investment opportunities in the market
Roger Montgomery
January 19, 2017
As part of netwealth’s portfolio construction webinar series, I gave an hour long presentation to an audience last year on the “value investing” approach and what our investing framework looks like. To watch the webinar please click on following link, a copy of the slides used in the presentation are also freely available.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
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- POSTED IN Montgomery News and Updates.