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Emerging Markets’ Bond Yields In A Massive Bubble
David Buckland
September 14, 2017
An interesting piece of research from Macquarie Equities came across my desk, illustrating the massive bubble we are living through. Despite the chequered history of many Emerging Economies, the spread on the yield on their sovereign bonds relative to US Bonds has come down from seven per cent to three per cent over the past three years.
by David Buckland Posted in Financial Services.
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- POSTED IN Financial Services.
Why investing in new tech businesses can be a gamble
Roger Montgomery
September 14, 2017
When you look at the success of tech titans like Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook, it’s easy to think there’s only lots of money to be made investing in new technology companies – particularly those associated with the ‘creative destruction’ of incumbent businesses. But the truth about who wins from new technology can be eye opening. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education, Market commentary.
Money News: 12.09.2017
Roger Montgomery
September 13, 2017
In this interview with Steve, Roger Montgomery discusses the Australian housing market and Harry Triguboff’s view.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Prepare to lose enormous [property] wealth: UBS and Harry Triguboff
Roger Montgomery
September 13, 2017
Earlier this week, The Australian – the newspaper I write for fortnightly – updated their reporting of Australian property mogul Harry Triguboff’s view on property prices.
Separately this week, UBS reported the results of a survey of almost 1000 Australian mortgage holders who borrowed in the twelve months to August 2017. They observed; “Our 2017 survey found factually accurate mortgage applications fell to just 67 per cent. There are now ~$500 billion in ‘Liar Loans’ on the banks’ books.” A third of borrowers admitted to understating their living expenses. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Property.
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The three myths driving the national energy debate
Andreas Lundberg
September 12, 2017
It’s hard not to shake your head in disbelief at the misinformation and spin being peddled by our politicians around an issue that is dominating domestic political debate: energy policy and prices. In this blog, I’m going to tackle three big myths that some of our leading advocates would have you believe. Continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Editor's Pick, Energy / Resources.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Energy / Resources.
Roger Montgomery
September 11, 2017
Roger Montgomery joined Peter Switzer on Switzer TV to discuss the reporting season and how we saw some fantastic results from some of our companies including REA, Challenger, Smart Group and IDP Education. Another topic of discussion was the issues for retailing including the slowdown in residential construction activity.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN TV Appearances.
Why investing fads can end in tears
Roger Montgomery
September 11, 2017
Back in the 1960s, a group of companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange called the Nifty Fifty grabbed the attention and dreams of a generation of savvy investors. As we know, investing in the Nifty Fifty ended badly for many of them, and showed the downside of investing fads.
Continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary.