Media Room
Is Roger Montgomery buying Cochlear?
Roger Montgomery's Team
September 14, 2011
Cochlear (COH) is one of just a few Australian businesses that can be compared to the likes of Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson. So when the company recently announced a recall of its market-leading product, the share market reacted. Does Roger Montgomery believe this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire shares in this extraordinary A1 company at a price less than his estimate of its intrinsic value? In this appearance on Your Money Your Call, Roger also shares his insights on Drilltorque (DTQ), Matrix (MCE) and gold stocks Silverlake Resources (SLR) and Troy (TRY). Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery's Team Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Are Corporate Travel Mgt & Hansen Roger Montgomery A1 companies?
Roger Montgomery
September 14, 2011
If Roger Montgomery had the opportunity to buy shares in Corportae Travel Management when it floated, he would have jumped at the opportunity. Today the intrinsic value of CTD is $1.58 and is forecast to rise to $1.90 over the next three years. Like Hansen Technologies (HSN), CTD achieves Roger Montgomery’s coveted A1 status. In this appearance on Your Money Your Call, Roger also shares his insights on the demise of Leighton and the future prospects for QBE. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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MEDIA Why Cochlear looks cheap
Roger Montgomery
September 14, 2011
Cochlear is one of the highest-quality companies listed on the ASX today. This week the recall of its flagship hearing device resulted in the subsequent slashing of the company’s share price, by almost 30 per cent in three days. Remember, during the GFC Cochlear shares fell from $78 to $44. In 2021 we won’t be thinking about this recent recall, just as nobody now talks about the Wembley Stadium delays that dogged Multiplex back in 2006. So are Cochlear’s glory days over, or is it oversold? Will the recall inflict permanent scars? Roger Montgomery’s guess is that it will not. Indeed, the sell-down could be a dream come true for value investors. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Leightons facing internal troubles
Roger Montgomery's Team
September 11, 2011
Australia’s one-time construction champion, Leighton Holdings, is facing a share holder class action following the recent significant decline in the companies share price. In this interview with Alan Kohler, Roger Montgomery shares his insights into the declining economics of the Leightons business. Read the transcript
by Roger Montgomery's Team Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What companies are on Roger Montgomery’s reporting season watch list?
Roger Montgomery
September 8, 2011
In this appearance on Switzer TV with Peter Switzer, Roger Montgomery searched through large caps, mid caps, small caps and micro caps to uncover a list of A1 and A2 businesses. He then filtered out those companies who achieve a Return on Equity greater than 20 per cent, currently offer a safety margin greater than 10 per cent and whose intrinsic value is forecast to rise by at least six per cent over the next three years. Watch this interview and discover nine companies that make Roger Montgomery’s A1 grade. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Is Woolworths a good buy?
Roger Montgomery
September 7, 2011
If your strategy is to buy extraordinary businesses trading at discounts to intrinsic value, Woolworths offers the required combination. Roger Montgomery explains why Woolworths is a good buy. Read Roger’s article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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A 1700-word Book Extract
Roger Montgomery
September 7, 2011
Money magazine published an edited extract from Roger Montgomery’s best-selling stock market guide book, Read the extract then order your copy of at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Thorough website research can keep investors safe
Roger Montgomery's Team
September 7, 2011
Research on broking websites can often be crucial. Roger Montgomery says the research is useful, depending upon the investor’s experience. Read the article.
by Roger Montgomery's Team Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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MEDIA The Best Defence
Roger Montgomery
September 7, 2011
What is the definition of a defensive investment? Despite the tired and predictable answers you are likely to get from the advice industry, it’s a fascinating question to ponder at a time when many traditionally ‘safe’ investment choices are exceedingly unattractive. Roger Montgomery has spent some time thinking about this conundrum and has arrived at an unorthodox conclusion. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Which A1 companies have caught Roger Montgomery’s eye?
Roger Montgomery
September 6, 2011
Reporting season is now over, presenting many new opportunities. Roger Montgomery reveals to Ross Greenwood which A1 companies have caught his eye this season. Listen to podcast.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, Radio