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Ausbiz – The last call
Roger Montgomery
October 30, 2023
Last week, I participated in Ausbiz’s ‘The last call,’ a casual panel chat where we discussed our current perspectives on both the Australian and global markets. We also delved into the topic of the ‘magnificent seven,’ with a particular focus on their integration of AI into their products. Additionally, we explored how investors should approach investments in the AI sector. If you’re interested in learning more, I encourage you to listen to the full panel discussion where we covered even more insights. You can watch the discussion here: The last call
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary, TV Appearances.
The MG EV that blew up downstream
Roger Montgomery
October 30, 2023
While investors in electric vehicle (EV) themed companies debate long-term forecasts for the price of lithium and the pace of EV adoption, the downstream impacts of that adoption may produce more interesting investment conclusions. It’s a side to the EV story that remains largely ignored by the mainstream investment narrative. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Energy / Resources, Market commentary.
Big Australia policy fuelling inflation and a housing crisis
Roger Montgomery
October 27, 2023
Post-pandemic Australia is experiencing a remarkable surge in its population. Predominantly driven by a sharp incline in net migration after border restrictions were lifted, this boom, which of course brings more customers for businesses, also puts pressure on prices, entrenches inflation when supply is unable to keep up and poses essential questions for the country’s housing sector. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Market commentary, Property.
Ausbiz – “There’s a good reason the S&P/ASX200 has gone nowhere in 16 years…”
Roger Montgomery
October 26, 2023
In last week’s interview with Ausbiz, I wanted to give my view on the stagnant performance of the ASX 200 over the last 16 years due to Australia’s tax-incentivised dividend policies. I also wanted to highlight how this approach leaves little for reinvestment, leading to flat returns. We delved into more insights during the interview, so if you want to hear the full discussion, have a listen to it here: There’s a good reason the S&P/ASX200 has gone nowhere in 16 years…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary, TV Appearances.
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Is it time to reconsider investing in an ASX 200 ETF?
Roger Montgomery
October 26, 2023
In this week’s video insight, I explore why the Australian S&P/ASX 200 index has shown no capital growth in the last 16 years. Australia’s taxation system is a unique creature. It heavily incentivises dividends mainly through the mechanism of franking credits. But is it time to reconsider some of your investments? Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary, Video Insights.
ABC Nightlife – Investing and the share market
Roger Montgomery
October 25, 2023
In this week’s interview on ABC Nightlife, I joined Phillip Clark as we delved into the intricate world of interest rates, with a particular focus on their current trends, the notable volatility they’ve experienced, and the subsequent impact on Australian assets. Additionally, I shared my perspectives on the dynamic landscape of private equity, exploring its role in diversifying investment portfolios and assessing its potential within the Australian market. We also had the opportunity to field live questions from the audience, spanning a diverse range of financial topics. Have a listen to the full interview here: Investing and the share market
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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- POSTED IN Radio.
Paul Tudor Jones another bearish investor publicises their concerns
Roger Montgomery
October 25, 2023
A conga-line of commentators have spoken out about the risks associated with equity markets right now. Many of the dangers cited are, however, already well known and, in some cases, have been in existence for years if not decades. Relying on these conditions to inspire a market sell-off is tantamount to predicting when other investors will also start to worry about them. Given they are already in existence and well known, guessing when, and if, sentiment will shift and broadly agree with the commentators highlighting the issue is prone to error. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Economics, Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Economics, Global markets, Market commentary.
There’s a good reason the S&P/ASX200 has gone nowhere in 16 years.
Roger Montgomery
October 24, 2023
Yes, to elaborate on the title, there is a good reason as to why the S&P/ASX 200 has gone nowhere in 16 years. As is seen in the table below, from November 2007 to October 2023, there has been no capital gain. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Global markets, Market commentary.