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How to cut your ‘fat tail’ risk
Roger Montgomery
September 19, 2016
Confused about how to manage your portfolio in these increasingly uncertain times? You’re not alone. There are so many diverging views. And it’s easy to panic when fund managers start advising to “sell everything”. But instead of selling, a better strategy to manage risk may be to buy into something else. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Investing Education.
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POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Investing Education.Taggedalternatives
Alternative strategies: a short story
Roger Montgomery
September 17, 2016
Buy low. Sell high. That’s all there is to investing, right? In this column published in The Australian, Roger discusses some alternative investment strategies. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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POSTED IN In the Press.Taggedalternatives
Going up! The rise and rise of Australia’s gas prices
Ben MacNevin
September 16, 2016
The laws of supply and demand would suggest that Australians, sitting on bountiful gas reserves, should be enjoying cheap gas prices. But that’s not the case. Continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Energy / Resources.
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POSTED IN Energy / Resources.TaggedACCC, gas
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The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
The Revolution at Evolution Mining
David Buckland
September 15, 2016
Gold miners generally don’t meet our quality requirements at Montgomery. But there is one miner that has gone through a massive transformation over the past eighteen months – Evolution Mining (ASX: EVN). Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Energy / Resources.
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POSTED IN Energy / Resources.TaggedEvolution Mining (EVN)
‘New normal’ just a fad that could hurt retirees’ plans
Roger Montgomery
September 15, 2016
Retirees are in danger of seeing their investment portfolios meaningfully and detrimentally impacted by an unwinding of the latest fad. That fad can be named “expensive defensives” and there are valid reasons for the development of this fad. Indeed many are calling it the “new normal”. But it is just a fad and one that, like all fads, will end. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
Taggedinterest rates- 4 Comments
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POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Market commentary.Taggedinterest rates