Market commentary
Rain Man and the Australian All Ordinaries Index
David Buckland
March 17, 2020
On the night of the 19 October 1987, the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 22.6 per cent from 2,246.7 to 1,738.4 points. During the ’87 Crash, the Australian All Ordinaries Index fell from 2,312 points to 1,149 points, a decline from peak to trough of 50 per cent. In hindsight, it was a great buying opportunity. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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How value investors could benefit from this market correction
Roger Montgomery
March 12, 2020
It’s been a tough few years for value investors, with value stocks now trading at the largest discount to growth stocks since the 1999 tech bubble. But I think the discount will close as the market correction separates quality businesses from expensive, high beta, high hope stocks. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Investing Education, Market commentary.
Is the US about to experience a nasty spike in coronavirus cases?
Roger Montgomery
March 11, 2020
With markets bouncing it is worth making a couple of observations. Firstly, there were periods during the Global Financial Crisis when the market rallied as much as 10 per cent. Secondly, there is a solid relationship between really ugly COVID-19 case spikes and inadequate early testing. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Market commentary
Australia’s worst equity performance day since the GFC – some observations
Scott Phillips
March 10, 2020
Yesterday saw the ASX 200 Index sell off a whopping 7.3 per cent in what was the most brutal fall in our Australian equity market since 10 October, 2008, which was in the height of the GFC. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary
Don’t look back in anger
Roger Montgomery
March 10, 2020
Back in 2000, there were about 2,000 registered private equity firms globally. Twenty years later and that number has now hit 10,000. It’s a five-fold increase reflecting a boom in Private Equity investing by endowments, sovereign funds and the wealthy. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Panic or pandemic?
Roger Montgomery
March 7, 2020
There’s the Coronavirus pandemic and then there’s the associated panic. Both will have an impact on near term investment returns and as I write this note, the ASX200 price index has swung 13 per cent down from its January high. But the pandemic and the panic will also provide level-headed investors with an opportunity. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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How investors could benefit from the coronavirus
Roger Montgomery
March 4, 2020
Looking purely from an investing perspective, the global sell-off caused by the coronavirus pandemic could be manna from heaven for cashed-up value investors. I think we’re about to see some wonderful buying opportunities. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Global markets, Market commentary.
What’s really infecting markets?
Roger Montgomery
March 2, 2020
Can you see how coronavirus can be contained? Let’s think practically about this, especially in light of the revelation that the incubation period may be longer than two weeks and is infectious before symptoms present. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
What is happening on the ground in China as a result of Coronavirus?
Joseph Kim
February 20, 2020
It has now been a month since coronavirus entered the global vernacular, with media coverage covering almost every conceivable angle possible, including the potential economic fallout. We monitor new cases and deaths very closely, especially for any signs of contagion outside of Hubei – the epicentre of COVID-19 – and the unfortunate passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise off the coast of Japan. continue…
by Joseph Kim Posted in Market commentary.
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Two reasons this bull market is set to continue
Roger Montgomery
February 7, 2020
Since early 2009, soaring global markets have made shares an extremely rewarding place to invest. With profits likely to keep recovering, and interest rates and inflation likely to stay low, I see no reason why this bull market will not continue. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Economics, Global markets, Market commentary.