Insightful Insights
Switzer TV
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2016
In this interview with Peter Switzer, Roger Montgomery discusses commodity prices and the risk of a recession.
You can listen to all of the team’s television interviews through browsing our media library, view more clips here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights.
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Do people who open a SMSF actually get higher returns?
Scott Phillips
April 13, 2016
Recent figures from APRA show that there are over 565,000 self-managed super funds in operation as at December 2015 and that represent 29.1 per cent of all superannuation assets in Australia. There is no doubt that the growth of SMSFs has been phenomenal considering they are, at their essence, just a structure and are not product sold or promoted by a particular company, such as an iPhone or a pair of Nike shoes. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Insightful Insights.
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Bank Earnings and Provisions
Stuart Jackson
April 11, 2016
The market has become increasingly concerned about the risk of asset impairments for the major banks. Whether it be from exposure to Asia, mining and energy assets, agriculture assets in New Zealand, or the housing market in Sydney and Melbourne. Banks have effectively sold a put option to consumers and businesses over their assets or income streams and as a result they have a leveraged exposure to significant falls in asset prices. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Financial Services, Insightful Insights.
The Lost Decade and the Search for More Income
Roger Montgomery
April 11, 2016
It might surprise you to know that there has been no capital gain from the ASX200 for a decade. So investing must be all about the dividends? It’s reasonable to assume that income will become even more important as the proportion of Australians over the age of 65 rises, but are dividends the only way of generating income from shares? continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights, Whitepapers.
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A unique example of excellent business economics
Tim Kelley
April 11, 2016
One very high quality business listed on the ASX is Invocare Limited (ASX:IVC). IVC is the clear market leader in funeral homes, cemeteries and crematoria in Australia, and has a strong market position in New Zealand and Singapore. The idea of a business whose revenue is tied to the death rate may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but from an economic standpoint, it is one you have to admire. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights.
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Enter Corporate Travel Management
Russell Muldoon
April 8, 2016
In a recent post here, we explored the Online Travel Agent (OTA) space and came away with a view that barriers to entry in the industry were arguably low, which went a fair way to explaining why there are so many agencies already in existence. It appears that this piece was unknowingly well-timed. continue…
by Russell Muldoon Posted in Insightful Insights.
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Saving Private Buy-In
Ben MacNevin
April 8, 2016
A proposal was raised last week for the Government to remove the Private Health Insurance rebate and reinvest the funds into public hospitals. While the ongoing inflation of medical claims and insurance premiums is a pressing concern, these actions would likely exacerbate the Government’s future financial commitment. continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Health Care, Insightful Insights.
Short of ideas? Make Short Selling Mainstream
Roger Montgomery
April 7, 2016
Investor Daily’s Tim Stewart attended our recent live briefing and Q&A for investors and their advisers, and he picked up on our comments regarding short selling. Interest in the Montaka Global Fund is significantly higher than we anticipated and in a low return environment that makes perfect sense. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights, Montgomery News and Updates.
The limitations of monetary policy and negative interest rates
David Buckland
April 6, 2016
Following my blog entitled “The Next Economic Disaster” I thought it worthwhile exploring why Central Banks aren’t succeeding in their sworn fight against deflation. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Economics, Insightful Insights.
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Cash just won’t cut it; focus on companies that are growing
Roger Montgomery
April 4, 2016
Make no mistake. The good times are over. That’s about as succinctly as I can put it. From now on returns from property and stocks in aggregate will be mediocre. Of course, the very best quality companies and properties will produce better returns but the averages, as measured by the All Ordinaries and median house prices, will disappoint.
You can read all of the team’s press articles through browsing our media library, view more articles here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights.
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