Editor’s Pick
Are rising mortgage arrears a sign of trouble up ahead?
Andreas Lundberg
March 27, 2018
A new report confirms that mortgages in arrears are rising sharply. Is this just a blip, or a worrying sign that more and more Australian borrowers are struggling to meet their commitments? continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Editor's Pick, Financial Services.
Why the banks are cutting mortgage rates
Stuart Jackson
March 26, 2018
After raising standard variable rates on interest only and investment property mortgages in 2016 and 2017, the big banks have recently unwound some of these increases. This has surprised some observers. So, what’s going on? continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Editor's Pick, Financial Services.
Bill Shorten wants your grandparents’ last $45
Roger Montgomery
March 21, 2018
In this week’s video insight Roger discusses Bill Shorten’s attack on franked dividends. He’s simply putting millennials against baby boomers. Is voting for Labor a vote against your parents and grandparents?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Video Insights
Dividends. What’s all the fuss?
Roger Montgomery
March 15, 2018
In the last few days Opposition Labor Leader Bill Shorten has proposed a radical transformation of dividend imputation. Putting aside his mistaken belief that his voters are “Aussie Battlers”- when in fact they are hard-working small business owners and contractors, many of whom receive franked dividends from their business endeavors – it’s worth looking at what all the fuss is about… continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
AI is here, and it’s about to change the world
Roger Montgomery
March 12, 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff off sci-fi movies. From SIRI to self-driving vehicles, it’s now part of everyday life. So far, we’ve mainly seen the benefits. But many experts are warning that, unless society takes control of the technology, the downside could be massive. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Technology & Telecommunications.
What’s Next for the Stock Market?
Roger Montgomery
March 5, 2018
The market ructions in early February were a genuine ‘shot-across-the-bows’ – a warning to investors about the longevity of easy credit, soaring asset prices and ultra-low volatility. That’s why, with markets potentially on the verge of a big reversal, we think it’s prudent to hold more cash. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
Could a US housing crisis happen here?
Roger Montgomery
March 1, 2018
There is one common theme in the vast number of financial crises the world has seen – excessive debt. So, with Australia’s ratio of household debt to disposable income approaching 200 per cent, it’s time for investors to get super-cautious. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary, Property.
A crash is coming, and Jim Rogers says it will be a doozy
Roger Montgomery
February 23, 2018
Legendary investor, Jim Rogers, is a famed perma-bear. But this month Rogers stepped it up. He predicted that the next bear market will be “the worst in our lifetime”, fueled by a world that is laden with debt, and that it will occur within the next two years.
continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
Never say never
Lisa Fedorenko
February 20, 2018
In this week’s video insight Lisa provides an argument to challenge the phrase “I will never buy above valuation” and discusses three circumstances where it makes sense to buy above intrinsic value.
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Video Insights
How bad is Australia’s mortgage stress?
Stuart Jackson
February 14, 2018
The level of household financial stress in Australia is a key issue. This is because a significant pull-back in the financial position of households would have flow-on effects across the economy. So, the recent data released by the nation’s largest lenders provides an important reading of future trends. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Editor's Pick, Financial Services.