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Don’t ask the barber if you need a haircut
Roger Montgomery
September 5, 2016
Some analysts say you shouldn’t ask your broker whether or not to buy stocks, as they have a conflict of interest – they will always tell you to buy. So, who should you ask? Perhaps J. Kyle Bass, the man who profited handsomely from predicting the subprime mortgage meltdown. Bass is convinced China will need to devalue the renminbi, which would be bad for equities. We think it may pay to read what he says. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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The Alpha Fund One Month In
Tim Kelley
September 2, 2016
The new Montgomery Alpha Fund has just completed its first month of live trading, returning a pleasing 3.24 per cent for August after all fees. Given our target for the Fund is to return 6-8 per cent above the cash rate annually, this is well ahead of what we might consider “normal”. There are a couple of observations around risk and return worth making here. Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Market commentary.
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After a big price drop, is IPH now a buy?
Ben MacNevin
September 2, 2016
IPH (ASX: IPH) was one of 2014’s hottest floats. It listed at $2.10 and peaked at $9.34 in February 2016. But with its share price now below $5.50, does IPH present an investment opportunity? Continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Companies.
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Through my telescope, I see a property bubble forming
Roger Montgomery
September 1, 2016
Another week, another set of entertaining quotes from the auction rooms as a fresh wave of investors bids over the reserve for a piece of Sydney real estate. Oh, yes, you gotta love asset bubbles. They produce quotes that, when told on the other side of the crash, seem so ridiculous they’re unbelievable. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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Faster, higher, stronger – it’s time to watch Altium
Roger Montgomery
September 1, 2016
Just because a company’s share price rises strongly doesn’t mean it no longer represents ‘good value’. It could still be ‘cheap’ if its value outstrips its share price rise. Take Altium (ASX:ALU), for example, which just reported exceptional results for FY16, and forecast a very rosy FY17. Altium’s share price rocketed to an all-time high, but we think the company might still be one of the best value propositions on the ASX. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies.
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Why we prefer to hold, and not TradeMe
Stuart Jackson
August 31, 2016
TradeMe is New Zealand’s leading online marketplace. It’s like eBay, REA, CAR and SEK all rolled into one. Having upgraded its trading platform, the company is set to return to strong earnings growth from FY17. TradeMe fits a number of our preferred investment characteristics, and we continue to hold it in our funds. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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The next Black Swan
Roger Montgomery
August 31, 2016
One of my favourite finance books was given to me by Mark Carnegie after a meeting where we discussed markets and valuation. That book is called The (Mis)behavior of Markets and its author was none other than Benoit Mandlebrot – the father of fractal theory. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.