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Japan’s economy continues to struggle
David Buckland
October 4, 2016
While Australia’s real estate market continues to rise, in Japan the opposite is happening. Over there, an ageing population, stagnating wages and negative interest rates are being blamed for a savage slump in the volume of home sales. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Property.
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- POSTED IN Property.
It’s time to consider short-selling as a mainstream investment strategy
Roger Montgomery
October 4, 2016
In an environment where low returns are the corollary of high asset prices – and the best-case scenario for most investors – any strategy that can add alpha from short-selling needs to move from the ‘alternative’ space into the mainstream. Yes, it’s time to consider short-selling as part of your investment strategy.
Continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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POSTED IN Market commentary.Taggedalternatives, short-selling
Will your super win the Premiership this year?
Scott Phillips
October 1, 2016
If you’re more excited by the prospect of the upcoming AFL and NRL footy finals than the returns in your superfund, then you’re not alone. For most people, superannuation does not make great conversation and many tend to take a ‘set and forget’ approach. But if you’re looking to take control of your retirement savings, then a more active approach is the way to go. Continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Investing Education.
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POSTED IN Investing Education.TaggedSMSF, super
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Is Deutsche Bank about to bring on a fresh financial crisis?
David Buckland
September 30, 2016
According to the IMF, “Among the globally systemically important banks, Deutsche Bank (DB) appears to be the most important net contributor to systemic risk”. So the news engulfing Deutsche Bank is a big concern for global markets – or at least it should be. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Financial Services, Global markets.
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POSTED IN Financial Services, Global markets.Taggeddeutsche bank, IMF
Ramsay remains in rude health
Ben MacNevin
September 29, 2016
The Montgomery funds have emerged from reporting season with a new investment – Ramsay Health Care (ASX: RHC). Ramsay is one of the top private hospital operators in the world. It’s been a stellar performer on the ASX and, in its recent financial report, signalled more solid growth to come.
Continue…by Ben MacNevin Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.
TaggedHealthscope (HSO), Ramsay (RHC)- 7 Comments
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POSTED IN Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.TaggedHealthscope (HSO), Ramsay (RHC)
Investors: watch out if long bond rates kick up
Roger Montgomery
September 28, 2016
Arguably the greatest risk to investors today is an under appreciation of how significant a change in bond interest rates will be. And these rates can change even if central banks don’t raise their own short-term offerings. So discussions about what the US Federal Reserve bank does with the fed funds rate, or the Reserve Bank of Australia through its own open market operations, aren’t particularly helpful. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets.
Taggedbonds, GFC- 5 Comments
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POSTED IN Global markets.Taggedbonds, GFC