The smashed avocado index – episode 2
Scott Shuttleworth
July 10, 2017
Last month we created our own smashed avo index as a tongue-in-cheek way of analysing housing price affordability. The reception since then has been more than we anticipated and there’s probably a couple of points to note up-front. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Property.
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The great unwind of the Fed’s balance sheet
David Buckland
July 7, 2017
For the first time since it began its quantitative easing in 2009, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) announced it would commence the gradual unwind of its US$4.5 trillion balance sheet sometime later in 2017. Should this plan proceed, higher borrowing costs for corporations and households will be the likely result and this warrants a degree of caution. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Editor's Pick, Financial Services, Global markets.
Australian outdoor advertising revenue growth
Stuart Jackson
July 7, 2017
In past posts, we have discussed the outlook for the outdoor advertising industry in Australia. There are a number of reasons why the outdoor advertising industry should grow its share of the overall advertising pie over the next five to ten years. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Media Companies.
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The Fed sees no financial crisis ahead – so, can we all relax?
Ben MacNevin
July 6, 2017
Last week, leading media outlets led with a sensational headline that instantly grabbed my attention – “Fed’s Yellen expects no new financial crisis in ‘our lifetimes”. She was saying that the US now has a safer financial system, thanks largely to the efforts of the Fed. But will a safer system embolden market participants to take greater risks, thereby making the system riskier? Continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Global markets.
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- POSTED IN Global markets.
Discover how to value the best stocks and buy them for less than they’re worth.
“This is a book you simply must read.
The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
Money News 4.07.2017
David Buckland
July 5, 2017
David Buckland joined Ross Greenwood on Money News where he discussed dividends going out to shareholders and the problem with trying to hunt dividends.
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Why it pays to harness diverse views when forecasting
Lisa Fedorenko
July 5, 2017
“It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all,” wrote French mathematician, Henri Poincare. It’s a comment that’s really pertinent to us as investors. Here, I’d like to share with you some insights on how to improve your ways of ‘foreseeing’. Continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
BWX’s success in international markets
Tim Kelley
July 4, 2017
In this week’s video insight, Tim discusses a company held in our domestic funds, BWX and their early success in international markets.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Video Insights.