Media Room
Profit pool set to shrink
Roger Montgomery
October 15, 2018
In this article published in Money Magazine, Roger discusses the banks. As it is the most widely held sub-sector of the market for private investors, Roger takes a closer look. Are there some tough times ahead? Read here. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Cool on school: Navitas bid fails to excite investors
Tim Kelley
October 12, 2018
Robert Bolton wrote an article in the Australian Financial Review which discusses the Navitas takeover, after rejecting a $2 billion bid from a consortium led by private equity firm BGH Capital. Read here.
by Tim Kelley Posted in On the Internet.
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Property prices predicted to almost halve
Roger Montgomery
October 12, 2018
Roger was on Business Breakfast to discuss the Australian housing market. There is a negative outlook with brokers forecasting 10-15 per cent declines, downgraded from 5-10 per cent declines. Although will it be worse than this? Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in TV Appearances.
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Three Aussie stocks that pass the Buffett process
Roger Montgomery
October 5, 2018
The investing process employed by Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger is striking not only for the long-term returns that have been generated, but also for its simplicity. This exclusive article for Livewire identifies three Aussie stocks that pass Buffett’s four step process. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, On the Internet.
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Money News 02.10.2018
David Buckland
October 4, 2018
In this interview on Money News, David discusses the banks. As we see a negative wealth effect, credit growth will decline. So how long will these pressures on the banks last?
by David Buckland Posted in Editor's Pick, Radio.
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Money News 25.09.2018
Roger Montgomery
September 26, 2018
In this interview on Money News, Roger discusses the retail sector, if the economy starts slowing down how many retailers will go under? And how can you make sure you aren’t falling into a value trap?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Buyer beware: high valuations based on unrealistic growth hopes
Roger Montgomery
September 24, 2018
In this article published in The Australian, Roger discusses some companies whose share prices have rallied on the back of hopes of global domination. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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ABC Nightlife
Roger Montgomery
September 20, 2018
In this radio program with Philip Clark, Roger makes comparisons on major companies including CLS and Rio and Tesla and BMW. What can be seen when these comparisons are made? Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Radio.
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The slowdown on Australia’s horizon is no mirage
Roger Montgomery
September 20, 2018
In this article published in the Herald Sun, Roger discusses the recent reporting season. UBS found negative financial year 2019 revisions outweighed positive ones by almost three to one. Read more here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Call that disruption? Investors are forgetting
Roger Montgomery
September 20, 2018
In this article for Cuffelinks Roger discusses Tesla and Afterpay, investors in these companies seem to have missed something. What is it? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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