Media Room
Two strikes and still hitting: Paula Dwyer’s tough run this racing season
Tim Kelley
November 5, 2018
Colin Kruger and Nick Toscano wrote an article in The Sydney Morning Herald which discusses how both Tabcorp and Healthscope have recently suffered from investor rebellions over executive pay and performance. Tim comments on Healthscope. Read here.
by Tim Kelley Posted in On the Internet.
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Are there profits from the 5G revolution?
Roger Montgomery
November 1, 2018
In this article for Cuffelinks Roger discusses fifth generation (5G) technology and the offer of radically faster 5G speeds. Nearly 80 per cent of the estimated US$350 billion spend on 5G infrastructure will be on hardware and network transformation projects. 5G will produce some winners and many losers, where are the opportunities? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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MONEY NEWS 30.10.2018
David Buckland
October 31, 2018
In this interview on Money News, David discusses the squeeze on medium-sized companies as consumer spending looks to have pulled back over the last quarter. With the downward trend in house prices and pressure on the banks, what will we see in the upcoming reporting round for the banks?
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Healthscope says it has not lost investor support
Tim Kelley
October 25, 2018
Carrie LaFrenz wrote an article in the Australian Financial Review which discusses Healthscope and the shareholder feedback in relation to the bid from BGH and the challenges facing the company ahead of its annual meeting next Wednesday. Read here.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Health Care, On the Internet.
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MONEY NEWS 23.10.2018
Roger Montgomery
October 24, 2018
In this interview on Money News, Roger discusses holding cash with Ross Greenwood. While the market is in the doldrums, investors may be concerned about holding cash and timing when to get back in. What percentage of your portfolio is allocated to cash today?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Investors, take advantage of the calm to reassess, raise cash before storm hits
Roger Montgomery
October 22, 2018
In this article published in The Australian, Roger discusses the most recent best performing stocks. The gap between the highest performing and the lowest has continued to widen. Economic conditions are currently benign and backward looking measures such as GDP suggest the economy is growing solidly, although when will this change? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Property looks the catalyst for a rout
Roger Montgomery
October 19, 2018
In this article published in Professional Planner, Roger discusses the Australian property market. Prices are falling at their fastest rate in five years, putting a definitive end to the debt-fuelled housing boom. The question on many investors’ and borrowers’ minds is whether it has only just begun. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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Share market correction will skittle the kingpins, too
Roger Montgomery
October 19, 2018
In this article published in the Herald Sun, Roger discuses the wide gap between the cheapest and most expensive stocks. What history tells us, however, is the gap is cyclical and will converge again. How? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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MONEY NEWS 16.10.2018
Roger Montgomery
October 17, 2018
In this interview on Money News, Roger discusses the recent volatility in the markets. Is this a sign of what is up ahead? And which assets will be hit the most as real interest rates rise?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Telstra Corporation Ltd (ASX:TLS) Confirms FY19 Guidance And Defends CEO Pay
Roger Montgomery
October 17, 2018
Jaz Harrison wrote an article in Rask Media which discusses Telstra’s Annual General Meeting and mentions Tim’s view on Telstra’s executive pay. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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