Media Room
Money News 08.10.2019
David Buckland
October 9, 2019
David Buckland joined Ross Greenwood on Money News to discuss the impact of the RBA attempting unconventional methods of stimulating the economy. This includes printing more money or negative interest rates.
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Don’t assume rates will go to zero
Roger Montgomery
October 4, 2019
In this article for the Australian Roger discusses the thought that when everyone in the market is pointing in the same direction, that trade is done, and it’s time to turn around and look the other way. So what if interest rates don’t go to zero? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Money News 01.10.2019
Roger Montgomery
October 2, 2019
Roger joined Ross Greenwood on Money News to discuss the RBA’s decision to cut rates to 0.75 per cent. The reasons given for the cut included global issues and the US/ China trade dispute. So which stocks benefit from falling interest rates?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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How to separate winners and losers
Roger Montgomery
September 30, 2019
In this article for Money Magazine Roger identifies why Australian portfolios can significantly benefit from overseas companies, including tech giants, that actually make a profit. Read Roger’s thoughts on Alphabet, Facebook and Uber. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Wake up, the fairytale is over
Roger Montgomery
September 30, 2019
In this article for the Herald Sun Roger discusses unicorns, do they exist? Unicorns tend to be innovative companies with entrepreneurial founders harbouring unbridled egos and larger-than-life ambitions. Let’s take a look at a few of them. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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- POSTED IN In the Press
Money News 24.09.2019
Roger Montgomery
September 25, 2019
In this interview on Money News, Roger and Deborah Knight question whether anecdotal support for an investment case can be a good starting point? A few years ago, Warren Buffett doubled his stake in Apple after he spoke to his great grandchildren and their friends on how to use the IPhone.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Choosing top stocks in a volatile market
Roger Montgomery
September 25, 2019
In this article for the ASX, Roger discusses how to navigate current market conditions and choose top quality companies. With interest rates declining for the past 37 years since the GFC , it is important to understand where we are. Roger shares with you two frameworks which will help you achieve this: the first is how booms begin and turn into bubbles that burst; the second is to understand the maths of valuing assets. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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- POSTED IN On the Internet
The Property Couch – Chat with Australia’s Warren Buffett
Roger Montgomery
September 21, 2019
Roger joined Bryce Holdaway & Ben Kingsley on The Property Couch to discuss everything you need to know about value investing and the property market. Tune in to find out how you can take advantage of booms and busts in the share market and shares vs. property, what does it come down to? Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Podcast Channel, Talks.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Podcast Channel, Talks
Money news 17.09.2019
Roger Montgomery
September 19, 2019
In this interview on Money News, Roger and John Stanley question whether the unicorns are starting to unwind? Low interest rates are good for equities but they don’t seem to be good for companies that have no prospect of making money.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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ABC Nightlife
Roger Montgomery
September 18, 2019
In this radio program with Philip Clark, Roger discusses the latest shake up – the near 15 per cent increase in oil on Monday. The rise came after two attacks on Saudi Arabian facilities on Saturday knocked out about 5 per cent of global supply. They also discuss interest rates, rate cuts and endless amounts of cash that’s continuing to pour into the tech stocks in the US. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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