Media Room
What’s happening in the markets?
David Buckland
May 22, 2013
In these highlights from Your Money Your Call, David Buckland talks about whether confidence is likely to climb in the new financial year, as well as giving his views on Fleetwood (FWD), IMF (IMF), Silver Lake (SLR), Navitas (NVT), (CRZ), Newcrest Mining (NCM), and Cochlear (COH). Watch here.
by David Buckland Posted in TV Appearances.
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Competition for Blackmores?
Roger Montgomery
May 22, 2013
In this article for the Herald Sun, Roger looks at the current prospects for Aussie brand Blackmores, and some of the competition it is facing. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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The Australian economy: what now?
Roger Montgomery
May 21, 2013
In this edition of Ross Greenwood’s Money News program on Radio 2GB, Roger talks about what might happen to the Australian economy now the Resources sector looks set to decline, and if there are any companies he likes despite the gloom. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Roger’s quick take on the budget
Roger Montgomery
May 16, 2013
In these highlights from the Switzer Report, Roger gives his view on the budget and how it will affect the stocks he’s watching, including mining services. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in TV Appearances.
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What’s the outlook for the Australian economy?
Roger Montgomery
May 10, 2013
In these highlights from Sky Business’ Business View, with James Daggar-Nickson, Roger gives his view on the recent cash rate cut by the RBA and the implications for mortgage holders, as well as the outlook for the resources sector. What’s the outlook for Australia? Find out here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, Financial Services, TV Appearances.
A warm winter?
Roger Montgomery
May 8, 2013
In this article for the Herald Sun, Roger talks about rising gas prices and examines the companies in the sector. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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The state of the Australian economy
Roger Montgomery
May 7, 2013
In this edition of Money News on Radio 2GB, Roger talks to Ross Greenwood about the state of the Australian economy and the role of information for investors. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Virgin Australia set to go sky high?
Roger Montgomery
May 7, 2013
In this edition of ABC1’s The Business, Roger talks to Ticky Fullerton and Andrew Robertson about Virgin Australia and its prospects. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in TV Appearances.
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How to identify a good company (part 2)
Roger Montgomery
May 6, 2013
In the second installment on this theme, Roger continues to talk to John Morrison on ABC Radio’s Statewide Drive about how to identify a good company. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Which stocks are good buys right now?
Roger Montgomery
May 2, 2013
In these highlights from the Sky Business Switzer program broadcast on 2 May, Roger gives his view on the intrinsic value of BHP, and whether he thinks that the banks are worth a look. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, Financial Services, TV Appearances.