Market commentary
Australia: a mini America?
David Buckland
June 2, 2014
I was reading an excellent interview between Alex Malley, Chief Executive of CPA Australia and Andrew Liveris, and wanted to pass on some of the most pertinent points to our readers. Andrew is the President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American firm, The Dow Chemical Company – and he’s also an Australian. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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Bubble watch #9
Roger Montgomery
May 21, 2014
We’re a self-deprecating bunch, us Aussies. Anything from the US is just that little bit better than what we have here, surely. At a finance seminar, you listen that little bit harder to anyone with an American accent, but should we be undervaluing our own abilities so harshly? continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Market commentary.
Budget ideas
Russell Muldoon
May 19, 2014
Now the dust has settled on last week’s budget announcement, we have collectively come up with a number of ways that proposed changes to the budget may impact listed businesses, and provide some of these below. continue…
by Russell Muldoon Posted in Economics, Health Care, Insightful Insights, Market commentary.
Let them… smoke cigars?
Roger Montgomery
May 14, 2014
We have long believed (and written) that the risk to changes to the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) in the budget were non-existent. The share price decline of McMillan Shakespeare (ASX: MMS) over recent months however, suggested the rest of the market believed otherwise. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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The low-risk investment strategy
Roger Montgomery
May 6, 2014
In this interview with Ross Greenwood on Radio 2GB on Tuesday May 6, Roger discusses risk and probability when it comes to investing, and why it’s important to consider the value of a business rather than trying to gamble on the stock market. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Market commentary.
Rumours… or Fact?
Roger Montgomery
April 10, 2014
We often see the market jumping at shadows. Take the recent weakness in the share price of McMillan Shakespeare (ASX: MMS). Given the absolute and ‘in writing’ promise by both Abbott and Hockey that changes to fringe benefits tax for salary packaging were off the table, we have been miffed by the swirling rumours that there would be changes in the budget detrimental to MMS. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Insightful Insights, Market commentary.
Home ownership and the Baby Boomers
Roger Montgomery
April 8, 2014
Chatting to Ross Greenwood on Radio 2GB on Tuesday April 8, I talk about home ownership and the Baby Boomer generation, and the dynamics that will play out between the two over the next few years. Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Bubble vs no bubble?
Roger Montgomery's Team
March 21, 2014
We were interested recently to see Jeremy Grantham add his view to the “bubble or no bubble” debate. In a typically thoughtful contribution, Jeremy has set out a test for what constitutes a bubble and determined objectively that equity valuations currently do not meet that test. continue…
by Roger Montgomery's Team Posted in Market commentary.
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Another Bearish Warning?
Roger Montgomery
March 12, 2014
As a follow-up from our last post on Seth Klarman’s warning about impending asset price bubble, we found the below graphic that highlights an increasing amount of capital being raised by lower quality companies, rather interesting. (You can view the original post on ZeroHedge, here).
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Montgomery’s missionary zeal
Guest Author
March 4, 2014
Over the weekend, journalist, leading economist and fellow fund manager Christopher Joye penned a profile article for the Australia Financial Review. We’re republishing it here, as opposed to just our usual press section, because we think it encapsulates exactly what it is we are attempting to do here at Montgomery Investment Management.
The missionary zeal of value investor Roger Montgomery
by Guest Author Posted in In the Press, Market commentary, Montgomery News and Updates.