Market commentary
Is Berkshire Hathaway a victim of its own success?
Tim Kelley
October 19, 2016
There is no debate about the long term investment success delivered by Berkshire Hathaway. Since 1965, compound growth in per-share book value of Berkshire has far outstripped growth delivered by an investment in the S&P500 Index, resulting in an exceptional long term investment experience for Berkshire’s owners. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Market commentary.
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More things can happen than will happen
Ben MacNevin
October 14, 2016
Investing is an exercise in assessing the likelihood and impact of different futures, yet political campaigns are an exercise in championing a very specific future. So let’s pause to consider one future that is capturing the attention of many investors: the adoption of more protectionist trade policies in the United States. continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Market commentary.
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With a focus on the long term, we’re sticking with quality
Tim Kelley
October 14, 2016
Sometimes, the gyrations of the stock market can make our investment decisions look a bit ordinary. Take this year for example, in which a rebounding materials sector has easily outperformed the broader market. However, such moves don’t affect our investment philosophy. Our focus is strictly on longer term business fundamentals. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Market commentary.
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Active vs Index Investing
Tim Kelley
October 10, 2016
Last year, when US basketball star LeBron James asked Warren Buffett for investment advice, Buffett advised him to buy an index fund. “Usually the simplest [idea] is the best,” said Buffett. His advice added to the debate about the merits of active fund management versus index investing. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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It’s time to consider short-selling as a mainstream investment strategy
Roger Montgomery
October 4, 2016
In an environment where low returns are the corollary of high asset prices – and the best-case scenario for most investors – any strategy that can add alpha from short-selling needs to move from the ‘alternative’ space into the mainstream. Yes, it’s time to consider short-selling as part of your investment strategy.
continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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Why we steer clear of hockey-stick forecasts
Tim Kelley
September 28, 2016
At Montgomery, our investment approach is strongly evidence based. We look for quality businesses with a history of positive earnings, and we steer away from those with negative earnings even when there is a ‘great turnaround story’ to tell. It means we sometimes miss out on making super-normal gains. But, more often, it means we avoid being disappointed when a hockey-stick forecast falls flat. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Market commentary.
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Will a ‘robo adviser’ be your next financial adviser?
Scott Phillips
September 22, 2016
Artificial intelligence is disrupting industries as diverse as manufacturing, healthcare and journalism. So it is not surprising that financial advice which was typically delivered through a financial adviser is being disrupted. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Market commentary.
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Reasons to invest in a market neutral fund
Roger Montgomery
September 21, 2016
Buy low. Sell high. That’s all there is to it, right? Well, not quite. You see there are alternative strategies that not enough investors are taking advantage of. You could sell first and buy later at a lower price. As long as the selling is at a higher price than the buying, it doesn’t matter which comes first, you’ll still make a profit. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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‘New normal’ just a fad that could hurt retirees’ plans
Roger Montgomery
September 15, 2016
Retirees are in danger of seeing their investment portfolios meaningfully and detrimentally impacted by an unwinding of the latest fad. That fad can be named “expensive defensives” and there are valid reasons for the development of this fad. Indeed many are calling it the “new normal”. But it is just a fad and one that, like all fads, will end. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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No Dividends for You!
Roger Montgomery
September 13, 2016
Just when you thought it was safe to ignore market volatility, sit back and milk those regular bank dividends, comes a timely warning from my friend and AFR Contributing Editor, Chris Joye. Whether you agree or disagree doesn’t matter. But woe to you, bank shareholders, who don’t understand what his musings mean for your belief in the enduring power of Aussie bank shares to sustain your retirement income and lifestyle. His latest missive sounds like a wake-up call to catatonic bank dividend collectors. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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