If you think the declines so far in iron ore are significant, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
I think the declines we have seen in commodity prices still have a long way to go.
We’ve long argued that a classic supply response would follow the massive investment in exploration and production that itself followed a surge in demand from China that caused prices to reach historic highs.
But China’s demand – itself was based on unsustainable growth in fixed investment spending – is now fading. China represents less than 11% of the global economy, but it commanded 30% to 40% of total global demand for copper and 60% of total global demand for cement and iron ore thanks to the massive social modification projects that required bridges, roads, ports, cities, subways and skyscrapers.
This is not sustainable and so demand for the raw ingredients will decline. Additionally, the nature of future growth will change and more consumer driven growth will again demand less materials.