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From boom to bust: how rising real rates could impact the stock market
Roger Montgomery
March 10, 2023
Roger joined Ausbiz to discuss the significance of real interest rates on markets, real rates measure your purchasing power or the change in your purchasing power. At the moment the fear is real rates could turn positive. Watch: From boom to bust: how rising real rates could impact the stock market
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN On the Internet, TV Appearances.
Let down by bonds? Private debt is worth a look
Roger Montgomery
March 10, 2023
For all the doom and gloom being proffered by various analysts it might surprise you to learn the Australian economy is actually growing. And it grew 2.7 per cent over the last year. Sure, the rate of growth might be slowing, but we’re still growing. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
Is QBE finally back on track?
Sean Sequeira
March 9, 2023
Just a cursory glance at the share price history of QBE Insurance Group (ASX:QBE) is enough to scare most investors away. After hitting a high of around $34 back in 2007, the stock has more than halved to around $15. But a new management team seems to be steering the business in the right direction, and many analysts see QBE as a turnaround story. Continue…
by Sean Sequeira Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Editor's Pick, Stocks We Like.
The market suffered a serious case of sticker shock overnight
Roger Montgomery
March 8, 2023’-Shock’, noun. shock or dismay experienced by the potential buyers of a particular product on discovering its high or increased price. The market suffered a serious case of sticker shock overnight after the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, addressed the U.S. Senate Banking Committee in the first of two hearings on Capitol Hill this week, opening the door to raising rates higher and faster than recently anticipated. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets.
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- POSTED IN Global markets.
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Time to get back to basics
Roger Montgomery
March 8, 2023
In this week’s video insight Roger discusses his views on what long-term investors should be focused on. Roger believes quality growth companies will ultimately return to popularity and when they do watch out. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
Cash-strapped borrowers are hammering the housing sector
Roger Montgomery
March 7, 2023
Rising interest rates are already having a major impact on the Australian housing sector. Dwelling approvals are down, an increasing number of off-the-plan buyers are trying to exit their purchases, and furniture and appliance sales are declining. If you’re looking to invest in companies exposed to housing, I’d suggest it’s a case of buyer beware. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary, Property.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary, Property.
Hardly normal conditions for Harvey Norman
Roger Montgomery
March 6, 2023
For big-ticket household items, established retailer Harvey Norman (ASX:HVN) is a bellwether company, offering insights into consumer behaviour and retail conditions, particularly in Australia. The company recently released its first-half results, and reactions were mixed. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Consumer discretionary.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Consumer discretionary.
P/E multiple movements promote equity market volatility
David Buckland
March 6, 2023
When I joined the financial services industry nearly four decades ago, many high-quality industrial businesses were on a single digit P/E multiple. Interest rates and inflation were extremely high, and an old-timer in the office used to apply a rule that the P/E multiple plus inflationary expectations should approximate 20. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary.