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Resmed’s AirFit masks appear to be boosting market share
Ben MacNevin
March 20, 2017
Last November, Resmed launched its new range of AirFit masks. This led us to wonder if the uptick in growth in Resmed’s second quarter results was due to the new masks. Early indications are that the masks have been well received, and are increasing the company’s market share. Continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Health Care.
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- POSTED IN Health Care.
The road ahead looks good for outdoor advertisers
Stuart Jackson
March 20, 2017
These days, it’s hard to go far without being distracted by outdoor advertising. Displays are everywhere: from roadsides to shopping malls to bus stops. We believe the industry is poised to enjoy continued revenue growth. And this should benefit businesses like oOh!media and APN Outdoor – which have tabled a $1.6 billion merger – and QMS Media. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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- POSTED IN Companies.
Sky Business: Your Money Your Call
Roger Montgomery
March 18, 2017
by Roger Montgomery Posted in TV Appearances.
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Hold on tight: the great property sell-off has begun
Roger Montgomery
March 17, 2017
The much derided prediction of a sell-off in Australian property prices has finally started. Prices in some cities are starting to fall. Rental yields are becoming unsustainably low. And many property buyers are now at the point of ‘no return’ (yes, the pun is intended). Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Property.
Why Chorus Limited looks undervalued
Tim Kelley
March 16, 2017
One slightly unusual holding in our domestic funds is Chorus Limited (CNU), New Zealand’s largest owner of telecommunications networks. CNU has had a bumpy ride this last year, but we think the market has marked it down too far due to regulatory uncertainty. If we are right, then the company should re-rate. Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Technology & Telecommunications.
What’s the story with Vita Group?
Scott Shuttleworth
March 15, 2017
In this video insight we run through a series of events we’ve observed surrounding the Vita Group share price over the past 6 months. For those new to Vita Group, the firm runs a network of over 100 Telstra retail stores and business centres as well as several other retail and enterprise offers.
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Video Insights.