Media Room
Wake up Australia
David Buckland
January 24, 2019
David Buckland joined Michael McLaren on Wake Up Australia on 2GB to discuss the current state of the economy. According to the IMF, the global economy is weakening at a rate faster than expected. Global growth is forecast for 3.5 per cent in 2019, and 3.6 per cent in 2020, so is all this doom and gloom necessary?
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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E-commerce is inexorable, even for homeware retailers
Roger Montgomery
January 24, 2019
In this article published in the Herald Sun, Roger discusses the modern retail sector. The question for investors is not whether an item will be available online it is how much of the retail dollar will migrate online and how much will brick and mortar operators be disrupted? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Money News 22.01.2019
David Buckland
January 23, 2019
David Buckland joined Ross Greenwood to discuss the current state of the economy. Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff has raised his concerns about China exhausting its credit driven growth model. If this is the case, how will it impact the economy?
by David Buckland Posted in Editor's Pick, Radio.
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Could ‘cash be king’ again?
Roger Montgomery
January 21, 2019
Stephanie Aikins published an article in Nestegg which discusses why investors have been encouraged to increase allocations of cash. Stephanie draws on Roger’s comments that as interest rates rise, asset values fall, and that applies to all assets – businesses, shares, property, land, everything that produces income. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
How will the aged care royal commission impact the market?
Roger Montgomery
January 18, 2019
Kylie Purcell published an article in Your Money which takes a look at the Royal Commission into aged care which is due to begin shortly. Kylie mentions Roger’s view that the real problem for investors is the lack of clarity around what regulation will come out of the commission. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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The 10 most tipped stocks for 2019
Roger Montgomery
January 18, 2019
Alex Cowie published an article for Livewire which identifies the 10 most tipped stocks for 2019. Topping the list was CSL, although does Roger think it is a buy? You can read Roger’s comments on CSL here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, On the Internet.
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Money News 15.01.2019
David Buckland
January 16, 2019
David joined Ross Greenwood to discuss the earnings season ahead for companies with the February half-year reporting round looming. Some retailers have already come out with cautious commentary. They also comment on the share price decline of Costa Group.
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Quality at the right price
Roger Montgomery
January 16, 2019
In this article for Money Magazine Roger discusses our definition of quality companies and shares four companies we believe are high quality and should be on any investor’s radar. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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Money News 08.01.2019
David Buckland
January 14, 2019
In the first interview on Money News for 2019, Ross and David discuss the tough December quarter for equities. During the recent sell off, we deployed some of our cash holdings into global companies, but why are we still cautious domestically?
by David Buckland Posted in Radio.
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Summer Series Guest Editor, Tim Keegan
Roger Montgomery
January 11, 2019
Cuffelinks’ guest editor Tim Keegan takes a look back at five favourite articles including one that Roger wrote in 2015 which identifies how to think rationally about shares. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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