Media Room
Best value stocks
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2010
If you have ever paid a high price for a share, it is time to turn your back on speculating and start investing. Stop hoping for a spectacular short-term return and start being certain of a great long-term one. Read Roger’s 5-step plan that will teach you how to make value-investing work for you.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s top five A1 stock tips?
Roger Montgomery
April 8, 2010
Before Roger Montgomery reveals his top five stock tips, which he ranks in terms of quality and performance from A1-C5, he talks about the characteristics of great businesses – his A1s: 1.Great quality high rates of ROE, little or no debt; 2.Intrinsic value is rising; 3. Share price is trading at discount to intrinsic value. Watch the interview. Sign up free to Peter Switzer’s latest personal finance and financial planning news at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What C5 businesses does Roger Montgomery say AVOID?
Roger Montgomery
April 8, 2010
On the opposite end of the spectrum of Roger Montgomery’s A1 stock picks are C5 businesses – low quality, high debt, low ROE and trading at prices significantly about their intrinsic value. Transurban and Primary Healthcare are two such companies Roger talks with Peter Switzer about. Another is Myer. Watch the interview. Sign up free to Peter Switzer’s latest personal finance and financial planning news at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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ValueLine: Tatts Group
Roger Montgomery
April 7, 2010
Tatts Group’s purchase of NSW Lotteries could reduce its intrinsic value. A lottery ticket might be a better investment. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Mirvac in talks to buy Westpac trust
Roger Montgomery
April 7, 2010
Developer and funds manager Mirvac has unveiled a $500 million capital raising and revealed it is in exclusive takeover talks with Westpac’s fund management arm. Fund manager Roger Montgomery says he’s not surprised at Mirvac’s interest. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Mirvac in talks to buy Westpac trust
Roger Montgomery
April 7, 2010
Developer and funds manager Mirvac has unveiled a $500 million capital raising and revealed it is in exclusive takeover talks with Westpac’s fund management arm. Fund manager Roger Montgomery says he’s not surprised at Mirvac’s interest. Read transcript. Read related blog post.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Who picked the top stocks? Stock Pickers’ Showdown
Roger Montgomery
April 6, 2010
Twelve months ago asked four stock pickers to select a portfolio of 10 stocks to hold for one year. So how did they fare? Independent investment analyst Roger Montgomery blitzed the field with a whopping 51.90% gain, beating off his competitors by as much as 24% as well as the All Ordinaries index by a hefty 13% margin. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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ValueLine: Directors behaving badly
Roger Montgomery
March 31, 2010
They might be able to run a business, but many managers are incompetent at allocating capital. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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#16 Most Viewed Guru on YouTube
Roger Montgomery
March 31, 2010
On 31 March 2010 Roger Montgomery’s YouTube channel,, ranked as the #16 Most Viewed Guru Channel in Australia. Following is a message from Roger.
“Today my YouTube channel achieved a new record, # 16 Most Viewed (Today) – Gurus – Australia. Once again I would like to say thank you for your encouraging Facebook comments, emails and blog interactions. I enjoy sharing my knowledge almost as much as I enjoy the process of investing, and to be able to interact with so many of you online makes the process even more rewarding.”
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Don’t believe all you read
Roger Montgomery
March 28, 2010
On balance, there’s a lot that appears in a company’s books that’s simply not worth bothering about. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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