Media Room
Best Buys in the market for 2011
Roger Montgomery
February 17, 2011
As more Australian companies start to pile up cash, the mergers and acquisitions buzz is sure to heat up. Roger Montgomery believes that less flashy share buybacks and dividend initiatives are often a better bet for increased shareholder returns and nominates some of his favourite A1 businesses. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Market commentary.
ValueLine: Transurban
Roger Montgomery
February 16, 2011
Put simply, if you want a high return on your money, Transurban probably isn’t for you. Its success hinges on revenues going up and interest rates remaining stable or declining. Rather than paying down its existing debt, Transurban persistently refinances and the amount that still needs to be re-financed before 2020 now exceeds $3.5 billion. Like airlines, investing in Transurban is unlikely to put you on the fast lane to high returns. The stock does not look cheap and in Roger Montgomery’s opinion, there are plenty of better (A1) and less risky options out there. Read Roger’s article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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The Bull’s stock pick of the week
Roger Montgomery
February 14, 2011
Shareholders of McMillan Shakespeare,Australia’s biggest provider of salary packaging, continue to sing “Let the good times roll.” But not everyone is thrilled with McMillan Shakespeare’s current market valuation, including well know Australian Fund Manager and Author, Roer Montgomery. Roger first penned his concerns about MMS at his blog back in August 2010. MMS is now above $7.00 compared to Roger’s intrinsic value of $2.64, there is also the problem of increased debt following MMS’ acquisition of Interleasing. Read article.
Well-known Australian commentator, Roger Montgomery penned his concerns about MMS in his blog back in August. Being a value investor it is easy to see why he is less enthusiastic with MMS above $7.00, than $2.64, when he first wrote his opinion on McMillan Shakespeare. Montgomery was also unhappy with debt levels that MMS took on after its acquisition of Interleasing.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Montgomery’s A1-quality rating portfolio
Roger Montgomery
February 11, 2011
How did independent investment expert Roger Montgomery’s A1-quality rating portfolio actually perform? Roger revealed the results to Peter Switzer on his Sky News Business Channel. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s thoughts on Telstra’s half yearly results?
Roger Montgomery
February 10, 2011
Following the release of Telstra’s half yearly financial results, Roger Montgomery shares his views with Ros Childs on the ABC’s Midday Report. Fast Forward to 10:50 to see Roger’s interview. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s cheapest A1 businesses?
Roger Montgomery
February 10, 2011
Peter Switzer asked Roger Montgomery to reveal six of his cheapest A1 stocks. In Roger’s A1 list are three retail businesses, a supplier of oil well equipment, an auto part manufacturer and another that services the casino and gambling industry. Which business is Roger Montgomery’s hot A1 pick for 2011? Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary, TV Appearances.
How did Roger Montgomery’s A1 Switzer portfolio perform?
Roger Montgomery
February 10, 2011
In late 2010 Peter Switzer set Roger Montgomery a challenge – create a portfolio of A1 businesses that will outperform the market. Whilst Roger does not trade short-term, on Thursday 10 February 2011 he revealed the results of his A1 portfolio. Of the 10 A1 businesses Roger named, the share prices of two rose 25 per cent, another two rose 12 per cent and the remainder returned an average of seven per cent. That’s an average share price appreciation of around 10 per cent in just six weeks! The All Ords returned 5.7 per cent over the same period. Even Roger’s A1 businesses that were trading at prices higher than his intrinsic value returned an average of 10.5 per cent. It just goes to show that Roger’s method of valuing only the best stocks, his A1s, and buying them for less than they’re worth, can beat the market. In this interview Roger also shared his thoughts on Telstra following the company’s recent results announcement. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary, TV Appearances.
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ValueLine: JB Hi-Fi’s capital management review
Roger Montgomery
February 9, 2011
Last year in Eureka Report Roger Montgomery wondered out loud if JB Hi-Fi’s steep profit trajectory may be levelling out. Has the company matured and what are the consequences of management’s promise to review its capital management practices? Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Toll company set to release results
Roger Montgomery
February 2, 2011
Toll operator Transurban is set to release its results tomorrow. Roger Montgomery tells ABC reporter Andrew Robertson the company is still in business because the revenue is sufficient to meet the expenses and also the dividends they are paying, however if interest rates were to rise, debt would become an acute burden. Read transcript.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Roger Montgomery talks stocks with Ross Greenwood
Roger Montgomery
February 1, 2011
Ross Greenwood and Roger Montgomery speak about the business of oil… think of it as ‘good oil’. Listen to Podcast.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, Radio