Media Room
How does Roger Montgomery read a Prospectus?
Roger Montgomery
April 21, 2011
ASIC specifies the information that companies seeking to float on the ASX must include in their prospectus. Yet Australia’s corporate landscape has a scattered history of hyped up floats followed by disappointment for many investors — Telstra, Qantas and Cool or Cosy are just a few. In this appearance with Peter on Switzer TV Roger Montgomery tells investors exactly what to look for in a prospectus. Roger’s advice? Go to the second last page – the Pro Forma balance sheet. And Roger’s advice for ASIC? Ensure vendors specify the impact of the float on the post listing balance sheet, write the prospectus in natural English and put the most important page – the Pro Forma balance sheet – on Page One! Watch the interview at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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ValueLine holiday homework for investors: how many of these ‘blue chips’ do you own?
Roger Montgomery
April 20, 2011
Roger Montgomery’s ValueLine portfolio for Alan’s Eureka Report rose by 12.79% in its first year of operation (with less than half the portfolio invested), compared to the index gain of 9.69%. This financial year the portfolio has grown by 15.11% compared to the index, which has grown by 12.71%. The invested portion of the portfolio returned 27.6% in year one and 23.4% this year thus far. It goes to show that Roger’s Montgomery’s strategy of buying the best stocks – those with the higher Montgomery Quality Ratings or MQRs – for less than they’re worth leads to meaningful outperformance over time. How the ‘blue chips’ in your portfolio compare? Compare your portfolio to Roger’s list of 51 companies and their Montgomery Quality Ratings. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Which small cap stock is Roger Montgomery’s fund buying right now?
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2011
Roger Montgomery has picked some winning A1 stocks over the past twelve months — Forge and Matrix are just two. In this appearance on Your Money Your Call Roger reveals a new small cap stock that makes his grade. Roger also shares his insights on AMP, Woodside (WPL), Paladin Energy (PDN), TFS Corporation (TFC), and Australia’s big four banks. Is CBA still Roger’s preferred bank stock? Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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How does Roger Montgomery value speculative miners?
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2011
In this appearance on Your Money Your call Roger Montgomery shares his thoughts about CEOs and founding shareholders selling shares. Does he begrudge Matrix CEO Aaron Begley selling 350,000 recently? Absolutely not! Roger also reveals his formula for calculating the cash burn rate of mining exporation businesses. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Which small cap gold stock is Roger Montgomery currently buying?
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2011
Roger Montgomery and Ross Greenwood talk gold, commodities, inflation and the US economy on 2GB Money News. Listen to Podcast.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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ValueLine: Lesson number one
Roger Montgomery
April 13, 2011
Investments are never certain, but avoiding particular sectors and companies can improve your prospects. Extraordinary A1 businesses businesses are not blue-chip. Find a business whose shares are available at prices below intrinsic value and one whose value is expected to rise materially over the next few years, then provided the other characteristics of quality are met you would be unwise to leave your funds parked anywhere else. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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ValueLine: Offshore oilfield player
Roger Montgomery
April 6, 2011
Whilst Roger Montgomery can’t predict how high the oil price will go nor tell you what kind of trajectory it will take, he does believe, with a considerable degree of certainty, that Australian’s will be paying higher prices for fuel over the next decade. Zicom, a supplier of equipment to service vessels, is just one company set to benefit from our growing need for oil. Read Roger’s article at WARNING: Zicom is a thinly traded microcap in which Roger Montgomery has purchased shares because it meets his investment criteria. It may not meet yours. It is therefore information that is general in nature and NOT a recommendation or a solicitation to deal in any security.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Is Roger Montgomery concerned about the SGX bid?
Roger Montgomery
April 6, 2011
In this extended interview with Ross Greenwood, Roger Montgomery shares his concerns about the Singapore Stock Exchange bid for ASX. Roger questions whether the acquisition is in Australia’s best interest. Roger also answers listener questions about Bluescope Steel (ASX:BSL), One Steel (ASX:OST), Atlas Iron (ASX:AGO) and Telstra (ASX:TLS). Listen to Podcast.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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Stars of the data world
Roger Montgomery
April 6, 2011
Unlike a conventional “Blue Chip” portfolio founded on the principles of diversification in large well-known companies, Roger Montgomery’s Money portfolio is driven by the pursuit of extraordinary businesses at prices less than they’re worth. In the April 2011 column, Roger diverges slightly from his ‘picks and shovels’ theme to focus on a company that is reaping the benefits of Australia’s exploding internet usage. Read Roger’s article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Nightmare scenario
Roger Montgomery
April 6, 2011
ABC Finance Journalist and Eureka Report founder Alan Kohler looks for an upside to world disaster in his latest column for Money magazine. Alan writes “Before I look in detail at the parts of these two icebergs that are under the water, I want to repeat something I heard my friend Roger Montgomery say at a conference the other day. “Vlatility represents opportunity, not risk”. Wise man, Roger”. Read Alan’s article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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