Market commentary
Observations of equity markets from previous viral outbreaks
Scott Phillips
January 28, 2020
Investors in Australia and around the world are understandably worried about the onset of a new disease (Wuhan Coronavirus – known as nCoV) and the implications for their investments, particularly as the medical profession develops their understanding of the disease. While the number of confirmed cases has increased from 282 to 4,474 in the past 7 days it is a moving tally. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Editor's Pick, Global markets, Health Care, Market commentary.
Have low interest rates made risk assets too expensive?
Roger Montgomery
January 24, 2020
Around the world, plunging interest rates have led to a stampede by investors into risk assets, like shares and property. With the prices of these assets now looking quite inflated, investors need to do more research than ever to find under-valued assets. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
What really propelled the Aussie market in 2019?
Andreas Lundberg
January 20, 2020
Over the past 12 months, the soaring Australian share market has made most local investors feel pretty smart. However, for most part, it was falling interest rates, rather than rising company earnings, that kept the rally going. The question now is: how much longer can this bull market go? continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Market commentary, Market Valuation.
Farewell 2019, Hello 2020
David Buckland
January 2, 2020
After recording an excellent performance in the June 2019 half-year, both the US Nasdaq and S&P 500 led the way in the December 2019 half-year with a return of 12.1 per cent and 9.8 per cent, respectively, for a return over calendar 2019 of 35.2 per cent (US Nasdaq) and 28.9 per cent (S&P 500). And this excludes dividends. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Economics, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Economics, Market commentary
2019 – the year in review
Joseph Kim
December 16, 2019
With the year coming to a close, I thought it would be interesting to look at 2019 in terms of some of the movements we saw in the ASX300 and its constituents. continue…
by Joseph Kim Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Market commentary
Are we seeing a dissonance between credit markets & broader equity indices?
Roger Montgomery
December 12, 2019
UK Macroeconomic Strategist Michael Wilson has penned an interesting piece entitled “Involution” which came across my desk. It was interesting enough that I thought it worth sharing in its entirety. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
US equities will head higher in 2020, says Credit Suisse
David Buckland
December 5, 2019
Our friends at Credit Suisse have fished out the crystal ball to give us a snapshot of the likely year ahead for US equities. The good news is that next year should deliver more solid returns for investors. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary
Meat producers are headed for beefier profits
Roger Montgomery
November 24, 2019
A combination of booming protein consumption in China, drought in Australia and African swine fever is sending meat prices sky high. That’s great news if you’re a producer. But not so good if you’re a meat eater. To paraphrase former PM, Malcolm Turnbull, there’s never been a better time to be a vegetarian. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary
All Eyes on the US Government Ten-Year Bond Yield
David Buckland
November 15, 2019
There are many factors which have driven the US Government Ten-Year Bond Yield down over the 35-year period from 15.85 per cent in the September Quarter of 1981 to 1.35 per cent in the September Quarter of 2016. While I will discuss these factors in more detail in an upcoming blog, what has struck me is that over recent weeks we have seen the US Government Ten-Year Bond Yield jump by nearly 0.5 per cent from close to a record low of 1.45 per cent to the current 1.93 per cent. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary
Stand clear as the Unicorn bubble unwinds
Roger Montgomery
November 6, 2019
Growth investors are having a field day criticising the poor performance of value investing. Their views have been bolstered by the booming price of some growth stocks – notably, profitless Unicorns – and research by two accounting professors, found that not only had value investing failed for investors in recent years but that it had never worked. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Investing Education, Market commentary.