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Interview with Roger Montgomery on J-Air
Roger Montgomery
February 23, 2017
Reuben Zelwer and Craig Bigelow talk sharemarket averages and the state of the apartment market with Roger Montgomery.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Reviewing Isentia
Tim Kelley
February 23, 2017
As many investors have noted, iSentia Limited (ASX: ISD) delivered a poor earnings announcement yesterday. The Montgomery Fund and Montgomery [Private] Fund both hold positions in ISD, and so this is clearly disappointing for us. The combined holdings amounted to less than 2% of the assets in those Funds before the announcement, so the damage was contained, but nonetheless, disappointing. Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies.
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Money News 21.02.2017
Roger Montgomery
February 23, 2017
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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Why we continue to steer clear of cyclical businesses
Roger Montgomery
February 22, 2017
It’s painful watching the share prices of companies we don’t own rising, and doubly insulting watching the prices of those we do own declining. For over half a year we, along with our investors, have had to endure this ‘new order’, in which cyclical businesses have been on a tear, while many quality businesses have been punished. But looking at our performance over the longer term makes me confident we have the right strategy.
Continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education.
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“This is a book you simply must read.
The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
Why investors do worse than the funds they invest in
Roger Montgomery
February 22, 2017
Over the very long term, it has been shown that equities provide the highest return for investors, and yet most investors are not reaping the full benefit of these returns. Intuitively investors know the principles of buying low and selling high, however research confirms that most investors fail to execute on this basic premise – consistently underperforming the funds they invest in. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Whitepapers.
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A great display for Carsales
Ben MacNevin
February 22, 2017
We’ve had a pleasing reporting season thus far, and Carsales is one of our holdings that produced a great result.
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Video Insights.
3 miners and how to play them
Roger Montgomery
February 21, 2017
In this article for the Switzer Super Report, Roger discusses investing in commodities. He looks at BHP, Santos and Newcrest. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in On the Internet.
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- POSTED IN On the Internet.
Why our oil refineries are shutting down
Lisa Fedorenko
February 21, 2017
Back in the 1960s, manufacturing contributed 25% to Australia’s GDP. Today, this figure has dropped below 9%, largely due to an inability to compete on cost. A similar story has been playing out in our oil refining industry, where we have seen refinery after refinery shutting down. This has led us to ask: does our oil refining industry have a future and, if so, what does that future look like? Continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Energy / Resources.
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- POSTED IN Energy / Resources.