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How much faith should you put in stock tips?
Tim Kelley
July 13, 2017
Stock tips are some of the most keenly-read – and fiercely debated – items in the financial media. But how much credence should you give them? And which tipsters should you trust? Continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Investing Education.
Identifying rising stars
Stuart Jackson
July 13, 2017
At Montgomery, we focus our efforts on identifying high quality companies with bright prospects. When combined with a disciplined and patient approach on buying at a discount to fair value, we believe that in the long term, these companies provide an attractive combination of stronger returns with lower than average risk. Continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Market commentary.
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Is negative gearing good for Australia?
Andreas Lundberg
July 12, 2017
The negative gearing debate continues to heat up. And well it might. It’s a classic argument between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’, focusing on one of the things we hold most dear: affordable housing. If we take a dispassionate view, it’s not hard to see which side of the debate has more merit. Continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Property.
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Discover how to value the best stocks and buy them for less than they’re worth.
“This is a book you simply must read.
The very best investors in the world are “value” investors.” -
Why the insurance brokers have run
Lisa Fedorenko
July 11, 2017
In this week’s video insight Lisa discusses Steadfast and AUB group and their stand out performance year to date.
The Montgomery Funds own shares in Steadfast and AUB group.
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
If the bears are right
Roger Montgomery
July 11, 2017
If the bears are right, an Australian property bubble, a recession for retailers and dramatically slowing Chinese growth rates towards the end of the year, combined with record high asset prices — especially assets that produce no income such as art and two-digit licence plates — are a recipe for a meltdown. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Property.
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- POSTED IN Editor's Pick, Property.
The smashed avocado index – episode 2
Scott Shuttleworth
July 10, 2017
Last month we created our own smashed avo index as a tongue-in-cheek way of analysing housing price affordability. The reception since then has been more than we anticipated and there’s probably a couple of points to note up-front. Continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Property.
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- POSTED IN Property.