Video Insights
A closer look at Woolworths’ off market share buy-back
Stuart Jackson
April 3, 2019
In this week’s video insight, Stuart takes a closer look at off market share buy-backs. Earlier this week Woolworths announced an off market buy-back as the company returns the $1.7 billion received from the sale of its petrol business. One of the key assumptions is that the shareholder is able to utilise any capital losses created from selling into the buy-back. Although Stuart identifies some factors which will impact this. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Video Insights.
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Do Agile working practices provide better financial results?
Andreas Lundberg
March 20, 2019
In this week’s video insight Andreas takes a closer look at the impact of different management philosophies and trends. Delving into a case study on one of our holdings Spark New Zealand, the implementation of Agile working practices has decreased labour costs resulting in increased EBITDA margin. continue…
by Andreas Lundberg Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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Will we see a further decline in the Australian property market?
Roger Montgomery
March 13, 2019
While APRA has not yet released the data for the December 2018 quarter for housing loan approvals, we can see September 2018 showed a 56 per cent decline of interest only loans approved. With investors less active and less foreign buyers, and new buyers at 17-years lows, it seems the real decline in residential building activity is yet to materialise as we look at the correlation between building approvals and building starts.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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The need to consider the balance sheet effects of credit-induced growth
David Buckland
March 5, 2019
In this week’s video insight David takes a look at debt-inducted growth, focusing on China, and the balance sheet effects impacting the world’s credit. In 2018 the Shanghai Composite Index was one of the worst performing stock markets in the world, down 25 per cent and this decline coincided with the level of Chinese bond defaults exploding to over US$23 billion.
by David Buckland Posted in Video Insights.
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A look into Telstra’s half-year results
Tim Kelley
February 20, 2019
In this week’s video insight Tim takes a look at Telstra’s half-year results. Revenue, earnings and cash flow all broadly lined up with expectations so there weren’t many surprises. Although since we last looked at Telstra there have been some interesting developments. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Video Insights.
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An investment thesis on Sydney Airport
Joseph Kim
February 6, 2019
In this week’s video insight Joseph introduces Sydney Airport and outlines the investment thesis as well as the key drivers for the earnings outlook. The company has an impressive track record with an enviable monopoly status leveraged to a positive structural thematic. continue…
by Joseph Kim Posted in Editor's Pick, Video Insights.
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A take on the year ahead, where will opportunities arise from?
Roger Montgomery
January 15, 2019
In this week’s video insight Roger discusses how investing can be very successful without the ability to predict the future. What might be the catalyst to provide investors with an opportunity in 2019?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Video Insights.
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Roger Montgomery’s Christmas Message 2018
Roger Montgomery
December 20, 2018
This year has certainly been tough one for those who express a faith in the very reason for Christmas. 2018 has witnessed an acceleration in the politicisation of tolerance and individual rights, while those who have expressed faith in Jesus have been branded intolerant. From all of the team at Montgomery we wish you a safe and happy holiday.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Video Insights.
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A quick look at Aristocrat’s results
Stuart Jackson
December 19, 2018
In this week’s video insight Stuart takes a look at Aristocrat Leisure’s (ASX:ALL) result announced in late-November for full year ended 30 September 2018. We view Aristocrat as a high-quality business at an attractive price with good medium-term prospects. Following the announcement, we believe the stock now represents an improved risk and return mix.
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Video Insights.
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Two changes impacting markets
Roger Montgomery
November 29, 2018
In this week’s video insight Roger discusses the switch by major central banks from quantitative easing (QE) and the structural changes this will have on interest rates. Market distortions created by QE could prove fertile grounds for investors. This video also covers the rapidly ageing population across the world. How will these two factors impact investors?
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Market commentary, Video Insights.