Montgomery News and Updates
netwealth webinar: How to find undervalued investment opportunities in the market
Roger Montgomery
January 19, 2017
As part of netwealth’s portfolio construction webinar series, I gave an hour long presentation to an audience last year on the “value investing” approach and what our investing framework looks like. To watch the webinar please click on following link, a copy of the slides used in the presentation are also freely available.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
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David Buckland
January 4, 2017
After no gain, excluding dividends, over the 30 months from December 2013 to June 2016, the Australian All Ordinaries Index recorded a 7.7 per cent bounce in the December 2016 half-year. This was assisted by the record low cash rate (1.5 per cent), the 81 per cent rally over the year in the iron-ore price to US$78.87/ tonne and the 52 per cent rally over the year in the oil price to US$56.82/bbl. Copper, a strong indicator for Global Industrial Production, was up 17 per cent to US$2.51/lb. continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
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Wishing you a happy Christmas
Roger Montgomery
December 22, 2016
As we reach that time of year again where we start to think about finding a good book, some sunshine and lazy days with our families, we wanted to wish you and your family a happy, safe and relaxing Christmas.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
Counting down to the new wave of super changes
Scott Phillips
December 9, 2016
In May, the Australian Government announced a number of changes to superannuation. It’s now confirmed these changes will be legislated, taking effect from 1 July 2017. Let’s look at the key changes, and how they might affect you. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
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What to do with your Personal Super?
Roger Montgomery
December 5, 2016
If you are working or have been working, then in all likelihood you’ll have built up some super. And if you have it in a personal super account, you can now invest across more of Montgomery’s funds then ever before. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
Montgomery Update
David Buckland
October 12, 2016
David Buckland discusses the progress of Montgomery’s global products. He compares the performance of several competitors over a 15 month period. To learn more about Montgomery’s global offer, please visit:
by David Buckland Posted in Montgomery News and Updates, Video Insights.
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POSTED IN Montgomery News and Updates, Video InsightsTaggedGlobal
Montgomery Alpha Plus Fund
Roger Montgomery
September 9, 2016
In this video Roger Montgomery explains how The Fund works and how we aim to generate a long-term return of 6-8% above cash through all market conditions.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Montgomery News and Updates, Video Insights.
Montgomery Alpha Plus Fund
Tim Kelley
August 16, 2016
The Montgomery Alpha Plus Fund aims to profit in both rising and falling markets. Find out how by watching our explanatory video presented by Montgomery’s Head of Research, Tim Kelley.
by Tim Kelley Posted in Montgomery News and Updates, Video Insights.
Launching a New Fund
Tim Kelley
August 15, 2016
We are excited this month to announce the launch of our Montgomery Alpha Plus Fund. The aim of The Fund is straightforward: to generate positive returns in both rising and falling markets and insulate investors from undesirable market movements. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.
The people behind the process
Scott Phillips
July 20, 2016
Continuing my ongoing series of interviews with Montgomery investment staff, where I lift the lid and see what makes the people behind the process, the blog posts and the impressive numbers tick. I catch up with our newest analyst Daniel Wu who joined the global team last month. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Montgomery News and Updates.