Media Room
Calculating cash flow with Roger Montgomery
Roger Montgomery
May 7, 2010
Calculating cash flow is crucial to telling a good investment from a bad one. Independent investment expert Roger Montgomery reveals his formulae to value stocks. Plus, find out why he’s steering clear of the market – for the meanwhile. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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How does Roger Montgomery calculate cash flow?
Roger Montgomery
May 6, 2010
This is the one you have been waiting for – Roger Montgomery’s step-by-step guide for calculating cash flow. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy when watching this interview! Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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ValueLine: CSL
Roger Montgomery
May 5, 2010
The sharp fall in CSL’s share price represents a good opportunity for investors with the courage to swim against the tide. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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What is Roger Montgomery’s opinion of the government’s proposed tax reforms?
Roger Montgomery
May 5, 2010
Roger Montgomery talks with Oriel Morrision on CNBC Trading Matters about the government’s proposed tax reforms and the consequences of rising interest rates on JB Hi-Fi and Oroton’s intrinsic value. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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How does Roger Montgomery look for value in companies?
Roger Montgomery
May 3, 2010
Roger Montgomery says that he is looking for great businesses at cheap prices. He shares his views on Oroton and JB Hi-Fi with Oriel Morrison. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are your shares really worth?
Roger Montgomery
May 1, 2010
Roger Montgomery reveals the formula to value businesses. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, On the Internet
ValueLine: Telstra
Roger Montgomery
April 28, 2010
Index funds have to buy Telstra, but there’s little to recommend it to investors. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Will the coal bubble pop? Roger Montgomery says yes
Roger Montgomery
April 27, 2010
A wave of activity is emerging in the coal sector: CEO’s are making acquisitions at silly prices and analysts are forecasting straight-line growth. What is the problem with that? China is in the midst of a property bubble that is set to pop. Roger Montgomery reveals his 2012 intrinsic valuations for Macarthur Coal and Centennial Coal, but once again warns investors to be very cautious when investing in commodity businesses. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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HVN and JBH – which one is a Roger Montgomery A1 business?
Roger Montgomery
April 27, 2010
Roger Montgomery joins Peter Switzer to discuss two of Australia’s most well-known retailing businesses — Harvey Norman (HVN) and JB Hi-Fi (JBH). Whilst Roger considers Gerry Harvey to be a retailing genius, Roger says JB Hi-Fi does a better job selling the same products in the same market. So is JBH a buy? What is its forecast 2012 intrinsic value? And can Terry Smart continue the market-beating success of former CEO Richard Uechtritz? Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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NWS, IPL, MIN, TSE, EQN – which one is an A-Class business?
Roger Montgomery
April 22, 2010
In the final segment of Your Money Your Call Roger Montgomery reveals his quality and performance scores, and intrinsic valuations, for Mineral Resources Limited (MIN), Transfield Services Infrastructure Fund (TSI), Equinox Minerals (EQN), Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) and News Corp (NWS). Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, TV Appearances