Media Room
Does Roger Montgomery trust analyst forecasts?
Roger Montgomery
August 26, 2010
Roger Montgomery often reveals his intrinsic valuations for listed businesses in one, two and three years time. But he also cautions investors to be wary of analysts forecasts, which are typically optimistic, particularly at the beginning of each year. So how does Roger incorporate forecasts from leading investment analysts into his intrinsic valuations? Watch this interview to also discover Roger’s Montgomery Quality Rating (MQR) and intrinsic valuation for Wridgways. Is Wridgways an A1 MQR business? Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Which recently listed mining services business is a Roger Montgomery A1?
Roger Montgomery
August 26, 2010
In this appearance on Market Moves Roger Montgomery tells stock market investors that BHP is a superior business to RIO, AGL is an average business and expensive, and the intrinsic values of both Worley Parsons (WOR) and Flexigroup (FXL) are rising over the next few years. But it is a recently listed mining services business that has money on its books, little or no debt and rising ROE that Roger is really excited about. Watch this interview to discover Roger Montgomery’s most recent A1 find. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s valuations for WOW, FMG, TOL and VBA?
Roger Montgomery
August 26, 2010
Unlike most stock market investors, Roger Montgomery doesn’t pay attention to short-term moves in the market. Instead, he focuses on individual businesses and what they are worth. In this appearance on Market Moves Roger shares his insights on the Woolworths (WOW) share buy-back and also reveals his intrinsic valuations for Fortescue (FMG), Toll Holdings (TOL) and Virgin Blue (VBA). Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What A1 businesses does Roger Montgomery compare all others to?
Roger Montgomery
August 26, 2010
Monadelphous and Fleetwood are both A1 businesses. When it comes to the banks, Roger Montgomery would choose CBA every time. Roger rates these businesses so highly that when it comes to analysing other businesses in the mining services, construction services and banking sectors, these businesses set the benchmark. In this appearance on Your Money Your Call Roger also shares his insights and 2012 intrinsic valuations for Santos, Woolworths, Primary Healthcare, Nexus Eneregy and Westpac. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s Top 10 stocks?
Roger Montgomery
August 26, 2010
Peter Switzer asked Roger Montgomery to list his top 10 stocks that are the best value on the ASX. Whilst not all of them are A1s, they do share a common characteristic: the chance of these businesses making a surprise announcement about a capital raising, inability to repay debt or succumbing to liquidation or bankruptcy is very low. In fact, if any of these events were to occur, Roger Montgomery would be shocked. So what are Roger’s top 10 value stocks? Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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ValueLine: Telstra
Roger Montgomery
August 25, 2010
Telstra is one of the most analysed stocks on the ASX. So what’s it really worth? Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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ValueLine: Montgomery’s new favourite stock(s)
Roger Montgomery
August 18, 2010
Finding an undervalued stock is a wonderful thing. Finding a group of them is something else. In this edition Roger identifies a cluster of undervalued companies and adds one to his benchmark-beating portfolio. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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A chance to win Roger Montgomery’s new book
Roger Montgomery
August 18, 2010
Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report is giving away a copy a week for four weeks of Roger Montgomery’s first book, Alan writes… you’ve read his extraordinary insights and followed his Value Line portfolio – now you can value stocks the way Roger Montgomery does, and buy them for less than they’re worth. So how do you win a copy of You’ll have to submit a letter to the letters section of Eureka Report, and the author of the best letter, as selected by Alan, will win. Read more at Eureka Report.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Telstra shareholders anxious as election looms
Roger Montgomery
August 18, 2010
Telstra and its 1.4 million shareholders are under pressure and stuck at an anxious crossroads pending the outcome of this election. Roger Montgomery said “10 years ago intrinsic value was $4, but the price was $9. Today the intrinsic value’s closer to $3 and that’s about where the price is. So, the market eventually gets it right. It’s not compelling value right now, but it’s not expensive either, finally.” Read transcript.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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How does Roger Montgomery’s portfolio survive downturns?
Roger Montgomery
August 13, 2010
A rational investment approach is the only way to protect your portfolio in times of economic uncertainty. In this appearance on Lunch Money, Roger Montgomery shares with investors his strategy of buying great businesses when they are cheap. Roger also reveals his intrinsic valuations for Hutchison, ANZ and Woodside. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, TV Appearances