Media Room
Time to break up BHP?
Roger Montgomery
November 17, 2010
Some analysts believe BHP could me worth a lot more broken into its component parts that the conglomerate it has become. Roger Montgomery questions the loss of synergies and the risk of BHP’s smaller business units receding back to the status of being a “price taker” rather than BHP’s traditional power as a “price maker”. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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QR National retail share offer closes
Roger Montgomery
November 16, 2010
The take up by retail investors, private investors, has been significantly less than was hoped and that means that the onus is now on the institutions to make up the difference. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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AMP sets sights on Axa
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2010
AMP has launched a cash and scrip bid for Axa Asia Pacific that values the company at the same $13.3 billion as the accepted NAB bid that was blocked by the regulators. Roger Montgomery told Phillip Lasker on ABC Lateline Business that the intrinsic value of “[Axa is] significantly lower than the current price being offered by AMP. Read the transcript.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s cheapest A1 businesses?
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2010
Roger Montgomery explains to Peter Switzer on the Sky Business Channel that a share portfolio of his A1 businesses, when bought at discounts to intrinsic value, will significantly outperform the market. Whilst Reckon, Thorn Group, GUD Holdings, Fleetwood, Wotif, Monadelphous are expensive A1 businesses, Roger tells investors that his intrinsic values of these businesses are expected to rise between 6% and 15% per year over the next three years. Roger also reveals his cheapest A1 businesses. Tune into Switzer TV in February 2011 when Peter Switzer reveals the performance of Roger Montgomery’s ‘A1’ portfolio. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What are Roger Montgomery’s top 20 A1 stocks?
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2010
Roger Montgomery describes his list of A1 businesses as a ‘wishlist’. Your goal as an investor is to find great businesses and buy them when their share prices are trading at big discounts to intrinsic value. Roger’s list of A1 businesses include fund manager Platinum Asset Management, manufacturer Cochlear, vitamin manufacturer Blackmores, online list, telecommunications business M2, mining services business Mineral Resources, IT services provider DWS, Centrebet, bull bar manufacturere ARB Corporation and one of Roger’s favourites, Oroton Group. Some of Roger’s A1s are cheap and some are expensive. One business is forecast to increase in intrinsic value by over 30% each year for the next three years and another by just 3%. User Roger’s list of A1s as a guide for your own ‘wishlist’, but ensure you always seek personal professional financial advice. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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What is the secret of Roger Montgomery’s A1 Montgomery Quality Rating?
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2010
In his final appearance on Switzer TV for 2011, Peter Switzer asked Roger Montgomery to reveal his top 20 A1 stock picks. So how does a business achieve Roger’s coveted A1 MQR? Unlike conventional wisdom, Roger’s A1s aren’t necessarily ‘blue chips’. Wesfarmers and Qantas may be big businesses, but they don’t make his A1 grade. Businesses that achieve Roger’s A1 or A2 MQR have the lowest probability of a ‘liquidity event’. His A1s are less likely to raise capital, borrow more money, default on debt repayments of breach debt covenants – Roger would be very surprised if any of his A1s went bust! A follower of Roger’s blog went back five years and created a hypothetical portfolio of A1 businesses. The portfolio returned 60% per annum. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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The Australian Investors’ Association reviews
Roger Montgomery
November 10, 2010
The long title of this book covers what Roger Montgomery sets out to do and he does it well… is an easy to read book and the reader is not blinded by mathematical formulae. It would be ideal if the book was made compulsory reading for all public company directors and management and Chairpersons ordered all their Board to reread it before considering the takeover being proposed by management. Read the Australian Investors’ Association review.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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ValueLine: Westfield
Roger Montgomery
November 10, 2010
Westfield plans to spin off half of its Australian and New Zealand assets (about $12 billion) into a new vehicle called the Westfield Retail Trust (WRT). The company It also plans to raise $3.5 billion worth of equity to pay down debt associated with the original vehicle Westfield Group (WDC), which will own the remainder of the assets and stay listed. Roger Montgomery investigates if the de merger will restore the company to its glory days. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Advisers wary of QR’s big price tag
Roger Montgomery
November 8, 2010
Despite a glossy $15 million marketing campaign QR National has been rejected by many advisers and retail investors, including Roger Montgomery. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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What is Roger Montgomery’s recipe?
Roger Montgomery
November 5, 2010
In this special edition of CNBC Asia’s ‘Protect Your Wealth’, Oriel Morrison asked Roger Montgomery to reveal his recipe for valuing the best stocks and buying them for less than they’re worth. Roger cautions investors to avoid focusing on who is rowing the boat and instead seek out businesses with little or no debt, high rates of Return on Equity and sustainable competitive advantages. What is Roger’s Montgomery’s most piece of advice? Only buy A1 businesses when their price is less than their intrinsic value. As Warren Buffett said, “time is the friend of a good business but the enemy of a bad business”. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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