Media Room
The Warren wonder from down under
Roger Montgomery
July 25, 2011
“ is Roger Montgomery’s first book, one in which he has succinctly translated Buffet’s style and principles and developed them into a practical framework for investing” Stephen Mortiarty writes a book review on Read the article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Change of the guard at CommBank
Roger Montgomery
July 22, 2011
The head of the Commonwealth bank, Ralph Norris, announced his retirement today. His successor is Ian Narev, a former New Zealand child star, who currently runs business banking at Commonwealth. Roger Montgomery shares his expert opinion on the impact of Ralph’s departure for CBA’s intrinsic value. Listen to the Podcast or read the article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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Roger Montgomery
July 20, 2011
Roger Montgomery identifies one businesses that stands head and shoulders above the rest of Australia’s fledgling pharmaceutical industry. And it hasn’t been taken over yet! Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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Which A1 pharmaceutical company has caught Roger Montgomery’s eye?
Roger Montgomery
July 19, 2011
In this episode of Your Money Your call, Roger Montgomery answers viewers questions on Rio (ASX:RIO), Credit Corp (ASX:CCP), Coal & Allied Industries Limited(ASX:CNA), Acrux (ASX:ACR ) and Lynas (ASX:LYC). Roger also reveals his views on the Carbon tax and the impact it could have on Australian businesses. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Is Roger Montgomery buying Decmil?
Roger Montgomery
July 19, 2011
In this episode of Your Money Your Call, Roger Montgomery answers viewers questions on Prima Biomed(ASX: PRR) Demcil (ASX:DCG) Monodelphus (ASX:MND). Roger also revels which A2 retail business has caught his eye. Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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ESG, SDL and IRE – which is a Roger Montgomery A1 business?
Roger Montgomery
July 19, 2011
In this episode of Your Money Your Call, Roger Montgomery share with viewers why a market decline is not a time of concern, but a time to look for extraordinary quality businesses at a discount to intrinsic valuue. Roger also answers viewers questions on Iress (ASX:IRE) Eastern Star (ASX: ESG) and Sundance (ASX:SDL). Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Roger Montgomery and the carbon tax: good or bad?
Roger Montgomery
July 14, 2011
Roger Montgomery talks to Peter Switzer about Julia Gillard’s proposed carbon tax and shares his thoughts on its potential consequences for VIRGIN (ASX:VBA), ORIGIN (ASX:ORG), Qantas (ASX:QAN), Bluescope Steel (ASX:BSL), Orica (ASX:ORI ), Boral (ASX:BLD), Incitec (ASX:IPL), CSR (ASX:CSR), Santos (ASX:STO), OneSteel (ASX:OST), Woodside (ASX:WPL), Caltex (ASX:CTX), BHP (ASX:BHP), RIO (ASX: RIO), Newcrest (ASX:NCM). Watch the interview.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, TV Appearances.
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Irish debt downgraded to ‘junk’
Roger Montgomery
July 13, 2011
Ireland has become the latest European nation to have its debt downgraded to junk status. That means the Irish government may now be reliant on another financial bailout to fund its spending. Roger Montgomery believes the central issue is debt and it will take many years for it to be paid off and shares his thoughts with David Taylor for the ABC. Listen to the podcast.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, Radio.
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Analysts predict worsening Euro debt crisis
Roger Montgomery
July 13, 2011
Ireland has become the latest European nation to have its debt downgraded to junk status. Roger Montgomery shares his thoughts on Australian bank profits as a result of the financial situation in Europe. Read the article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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- POSTED IN In the Press, Media Room
Roger Montgomery
July 13, 2011
Roger Montgomery breaks out the calculator and assesses the merits of the $280 million IPO of Collins Food Group, owner of more than 200 fast food franchises, including KFC. Read Roger’s article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Media Room, On the Internet.
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- POSTED IN Media Room, On the Internet