Media Room
Resource service firms are struggling
Roger Montgomery
November 24, 2012
Roger highlights the risks to Resource Service firms revenue streams due to their status as contractors in this Australian article published November 24th 2012. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, In the Press.
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- POSTED IN Energy / Resources, In the Press
What are Roger Montgomery’s insights into value in the current market?
Roger Montgomery
November 21, 2012
Do Maxitrans (MXI), QBE (QBE), ARBE Corporation (ARP), Cobar Consolidated (CCU), IOOF (IFL), Seek (SEK), Fleetwood (FWD), Adelaide Brighton (ABC), NIDO Petroleum (NDO), Boral (BLD), Cardno (CDD), Jumbo Interactive (JIN) or Coca Cola Amatil (CCA) achieve the coveted A1 grade? Watch this edition of Sky Business’ Your Money Your Call 21 November 2012 program now to find out, and also learn Roger’s insights into value in the current market in resource stocks. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Investing Education, Market Valuation, TV Appearances.
Why someone has to pull the HFT “Kill Switch”
Roger Montgomery
November 20, 2012
In typically comprehensive style Roger provides his insights on Dark pools, high frequency trading, foreign investment, reserve currency and Nathan Tinkler in this interview with Ticky Fullerton on ABC1’s The Business broadcast 20 November 2012. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, Intrinsic Value, TV Appearances.
What are Tim Kelley’s insights on Exchange Traded Funds?
Roger Montgomery
November 15, 2012
Do Energy Action (EAX), Central Petroleum (CTP), Perseus (PRU), Iluka Resources (ILU), AGL (AGK), Matrix (MCE), Reward Minerals (RWD), FKP Property (FKP), Rio Tinto (RIO), Telecom NZ (TEL), Hills Holdings (HIL), Aurora (AUT), DWS (DWS) Cash Converters (CCV) or NAB (NAB) achieve the coveted A1 grade? Watch this edition of Sky Business’ Your Money Your Call 15 November 2012 program now to find out, and also learn Tim’s insights on Exchange Traded Funds. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Investing Education, TV Appearances.
The Lay of the Land
Roger Montgomery
November 13, 2012
Roger provides his latest insights into the current state of the Australian share market (and a lack of value therein), the impact of changes in the mining industry on the Australian dollar and future foreign investment, and the outlook in the United States and its “Fiscal Cliff” with Ross Greenwood on Radio 2GB. Listen here.
This program was broadcast 13 November 2012.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, Insightful Insights, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Energy / Resources, Insightful Insights, Radio
Three cliches that cost you money
Roger Montgomery
November 10, 2012
In this Australian article published 10 November 2012 Roger discusses why listening to share market cliches is likely to result in poor portfolio returns. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Insightful Insights, Investing Education.
Is the tide turning against ratings agencies?
Roger Montgomery
November 8, 2012
The Federal Court’s decision against ratings agency Standard & Poors has significant implications for both the Australian and global markets – Roger provides insight into why this is so in discussion with Ticky Fullerton on ABC1’s The Business broadcast 6 November 2012, together with his insights into the latest RBA rates announcement. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, TV Appearances.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, TV Appearances
Roger’s tip? Value Investing, not gambling….
Roger Montgomery
November 7, 2012
Roger discusses his views on the Melbourne Cup, Oz Lotto, and Jumbo Interactive (JIN), a company whose business is based on online lottery ticket sales with Ross Greenwood on Radio 2GB. Listen here.
This program was broadcast 7 November 2012.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Radio.
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What are David Buckland’s insights into Small Cap Mining stocks?
Roger Montgomery
November 6, 2012
Do Imdex (IMD), Sundance Resources (SDL), Woodside (WPL), Axiom Mining (AVQ), Seven West Media (SWM), Silverlake Resources (SLR), Mesoblast (MSB), Titan Energy (TTE) , Metcash (MTS), Emeco (EHL) or Magellan (MFG) achieve the coveted A1 grade? Watch this edition of Sky Business’ Your Money Your Call 6 November 2012 program now to find out, and also discover how David approaches investing in small cap mining stocks. Watch here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Insightful Insights, Market Valuation, TV Appearances.
It’s a Tasty,Tempting Mix
Roger Montgomery
November 1, 2012
In his Money Magazine November 2012 article, Roger highlights the ongoing competitive advantage of Breville Group (BRG). Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Market Valuation, On the Internet.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Market Valuation, On the Internet