In the Press
With Sarkozy gone, what future for the Euro?
Roger Montgomery
April 28, 2012
The tumultuous French election result has cast doubt over the European bailout – what does Roger Montgomery think of the result? Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press.
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How can you beat the market?
Roger Montgomery
April 14, 2012
For many, beating the market indices is the hold grail of share market investing. In this Australian article published 14 April 2012 Roger Montgomery discusses how you too can beat the market using his investing strategy. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, In the Press, Investing Education,
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Why is the Value of a Property not necessarily what someone is prepared to pay?
Roger Montgomery
April 1, 2012
In the April 2012 issue of‘s EMag, Greg Campbell of ARAP discusses property valuation issues, and how Roger Montgomery’s approach to assessing asset values highlights that what someone is prepared to pay can bear very little relation to the true worth of an asset. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Investing Education, Property.
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- POSTED IN In the Press, Investing Education, Property
How can the Biggest not be the Best?
Roger Montgomery
March 31, 2012
Roger Montgomery expounds upon his investing approach to illustrate how Big does not mean Best when choosing companies in this Australian article published on 31 March 2012. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Airlines, Companies, In the Press, Investing Education.
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- POSTED IN Airlines, Companies, In the Press, Investing Education
Will investment in re-structuring boost David Jones fortunes?
Roger Montgomery
March 21, 2012
David Jones will spend between 70 and 80 million dollars to restructure its businesses – is this likely to boost its flagging share price? Roger Montgomery provides his insights to the ABC’s David Taylor on this edition of the PM program, broadcast 21 March 2012. Read/Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Consumer discretionary, In the Press, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Consumer discretionary, In the Press, Radio
Are we in the middle of another US share market bubble?
Roger Montgomery
March 19, 2012
On ABC Radio’s ‘The World Today’ Roger Montgomery discusses with David Taylor why he can foresee a corrections to the US equity markets. Read/Listen here.
This program was broadcast on the 19th March 2012.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Market Valuation, Radio.
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- POSTED IN In the Press, Market Valuation, Radio
Thinking of speculating in the stock market?
Roger Montgomery
March 17, 2012
Participation in the stock market is at a low ebb – in this Australian article published 17 March 2012 Roger Montgomery explains how when you decide to re-enter the stock market his strategy will allow you to invest for value, and entirely avoid speculation. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Investing Education,
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What are Roger Montgomery’s thoughts on JB Hi-Fi’s future?
Roger Montgomery
February 13, 2012
After repotting a reduced annual net profit, what does the current economy hold for JB Hi-Fi’s future performance? Roger Montgomery discusses his insights with the ABC’s David Taylor on The World Today program broadcast 13 February 2012. Read/Listen here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Consumer discretionary, In the Press, Radio.
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- POSTED IN Consumer discretionary, In the Press, Radio
Are the Big Miner’s really good value investments?
Roger Montgomery
February 7, 2012
Roger Montgomery thinks not, and discusses why in this article published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 7th February 2012. Read here.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Energy / Resources, In the Press, Intrinsic Value, Investing Education.
Finsia award nominees announced
Roger Montgomery
October 6, 2011
Nominations for Finsia’s Pinnacle Awards, including most outstanding industry contribution, most outstanding young professional and most outstanding future leader, were announced recently. Roger Montgomery has been nominated for most outstanding future leadership. The winners will be announced at Finsia’s 125th Anniversary Gala Dinner on October 25. Read the article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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- POSTED IN In the Press, Media Room