Investing Education
Quality and patience are key
Tim Kelley
October 4, 2017
Humans are hard-wired, it seems, with an affinity for narrative over data. When the equity market falls over the course of a day, for example, we want an explanation for what happened. Something vague and unprovable like “profit taking” will do nicely. This explanation offers no real insight into the market, or what it might do tomorrow, but it accounts for the behaviour in familiar and immediate terms, and any explanation is preferable to a shrug of the shoulders or a dry, statistical account of market variability. Not as honest perhaps, but certainly more comforting. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Investing Education.
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A fourth dose of bias
Lisa Fedorenko
September 26, 2017
Human brains are incredible – the average generates 50, 000 thoughts per day. Our thoughts and actions are a combination of rational analysed outcomes, and more automated responses – biases we’ve developed over centuries of evolution. continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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How should you read a broker report?
Tim Kelley
September 21, 2017
Broker reports are one of the most widely-used information sources for equity investors of all stripes, and there is no doubt they can be a very useful source of background information on an industry or company. In addition, they provide financial forecasts, valuation estimates and, of course, the analyst’s overall conclusion: buy, sell or hold. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Investing Education.
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Exchange Traded Managed Funds, tell me more
Scott Phillips
September 19, 2017
Customer experience is vital in today’s competitive environment for the delivery of products and services. Just look at how Amazon has revolutionised the way products are bought, paid for and delivered to its loyal customers. continue…
by Scott Phillips Posted in Investing Education.
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Why investing in new tech businesses can be a gamble
Roger Montgomery
September 14, 2017
When you look at the success of tech titans like Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook, it’s easy to think there’s only lots of money to be made investing in new technology companies – particularly those associated with the ‘creative destruction’ of incumbent businesses. But the truth about who wins from new technology can be eye opening. continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Investing Education, Market commentary.
On your nerves – part 3
Lisa Fedorenko
September 5, 2017
By this point you may have noticed that I have a soft spot for how psychology affects investment decisions. This is well founded, because the more you know about behavioural biases, the more you can limit how your blind-spots impact your investments. continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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3 more cognitive biases you need to know
Lisa Fedorenko
August 21, 2017
As outlined in a recent blog post, our minds are prone to numerous fallacies and biases. Just like you have a natural blind spot in each eye (where the nerve ending connects to the back of your cornea), we have natural blind spots in the way we think. To make better investment decisions, it’s critical to recognise and guard against them. continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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How you can become a ‘superforecaster’
Ben MacNevin
August 14, 2017
According to the renowned US researcher, Philip Tetlock, elite forecasters (or ‘superforecasters’) have two traits in common. First, they update their forecasts more often than other forecasters. Second, they update in smaller increments. His findings have important implications for all long-term investors wanting to sharpen their forecasting skills. continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Investing Education.
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Nerve over intellect
Lisa Fedorenko
August 3, 2017
Warren Buffet was once asked whether intelligence or discipline is more important in investing. His response: “To be a great investor you don’t have to have a terrific IQ. If you’ve got 160 IQ, sell 30 points to somebody else because you won’t need it in investing. What you do need is the right temperament.” Let’s look at some ways to develop the ‘right temperament’. continue…
by Lisa Fedorenko Posted in Investing Education.
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Why it pays to take a long-term view
Ben MacNevin
July 28, 2017
We tend to sensationalise how quickly life around us is changing. But, in reality, change rarely happens quickly. And that’s why investors with a considered long-term view should do well. Let me illustrate, using Australia’s gas market as an example. continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Investing Education.
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