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Equity gains and small cap potential
Roger Montgomery
March 7, 2024
In this week’s video insight, I discuss the promising potential for market rallies into 2026, driven by a combination of disinflation and positive economic growth. Highlighting observations and historical trends, I delve into why innovative growth companies, particularly those in the small-cap sector, are poised for significant gains after a period focused mainly on mega-cap technology stocks. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Market commentary, Small Caps.
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- POSTED IN Market commentary, Small Caps.
Australia’s recession: GDP per capita records three consecutive negative quarters
David Buckland
March 6, 2024
Attending my undergraduate degree in the early 1980s, there was a big focus on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This meant economists took out the often-large stimulus from a rising population, and analysis was done over the population of the day. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Editor's Pick, Market commentary.
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Audinate: surpassing expectations and expanding market dominance
Roger Montgomery
March 6, 2024
It’s unlikely you’ve heard of Audinate (ASX:AD8), a holding in the Montgomery Small Companies Fund. Audinate is a company with shares listed in the small cap sector of the Australian stock market. It might have flown under your radar by virtue of its size. But the other reason you might not have heard of it is you’re probably not a customer. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Stocks We Like.
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Life360: massive growth potential from the helicopter parent tailwind
David Buckland
March 5, 2024
ASX listed Life360 (ASX:360), a family safety app that allows GPS location sharing is one of the larger and more exciting companies held by the Montgomery Small Companies Fund. In the two business days since Life360 announced its results for the year to 31 December 2023, the share price has jumped 46 per cent from $8.30 to $12.14. Continue…
by David Buckland Posted in Companies, Stocks We Like.
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- POSTED IN Companies, Stocks We Like.
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A review of the Australian private credit market in 2023
Dean Curnow
March 4, 2024
2023 marked a year of both challenges and opportunities for the Australian private credit market. On the one hand, the tighter credit conditions in the first half of the year saw decreased activity in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), project finance and real estate development financing. On the other, the latter part of the year boasted a more stable interest rate and inflation outlook, as well as improved credit margins, supporting more resilient private credit portfolios.
by Dean Curnow Posted in Market commentary.
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The expectations and surprises of reporting season
Roger Montgomery
March 1, 2024
In this week’s video insight, I delve into the highlights of the February reporting season and its unexpected outcomes, a key period for those of us monitoring the Australian equity market. Despite a challenging economic backdrop, a noteworthy number of companies have outperformed expectations, bolstering my optimistic view on the potential of quality, innovative companies. As the season concludes, I offer my insights on the unexpected turns and the bright prospects for equity investors, reaffirming my bullish stance for the future. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick, Market commentary, Video Insights.
Another advisor suggests small caps
Roger Montgomery
February 29, 2024
Recently, Wilsons Advisory released a report outlining their case for small caps. At the risk of repeating what we have already said over the last twelve or so months, investors keen to allocate capital to an opportunity to potentially boost returns, will be interested in the small cap bull case from a third party. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Financial Services.
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- POSTED IN Financial Services.
Arguing for equities in 2024
Roger Montgomery
February 28, 2024
Last year, investors who held a non-consensus bullish stance on equities saw their optimism rewarded as the market trended up through 2023. As we pivot into 2024, the outlook might appear to be more complex, but in reality, the preconditions remain the same: disinflation accompanied by positive economic growth. Continue…
by Roger Montgomery Posted in Global markets, Market commentary.
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- POSTED IN Global markets, Market commentary.