The road ahead looks good for outdoor advertisers
Stuart Jackson
March 20, 2017
These days, it’s hard to go far without being distracted by outdoor advertising. Displays are everywhere: from roadsides to shopping malls to bus stops. We believe the industry is poised to enjoy continued revenue growth. And this should benefit businesses like oOh!media and APN Outdoor – which have tabled a $1.6 billion merger – and QMS Media. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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Why Chorus Limited looks undervalued
Tim Kelley
March 16, 2017
One slightly unusual holding in our domestic funds is Chorus Limited (CNU), New Zealand’s largest owner of telecommunications networks. CNU has had a bumpy ride this last year, but we think the market has marked it down too far due to regulatory uncertainty. If we are right, then the company should re-rate. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Technology & Telecommunications.
Update on Isentia
Tim Kelley
March 10, 2017
Following our earlier comments on the Isentia (ASX:ISD) result, we have now met with management, of Isentia as well as major competitor, Meltwater, and formed a view on our holding. Our view may change as new information comes to hand over time, but for the time being we have settled a position, and can outline our decision and rationale. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick.
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Seek’s half-year result confirms our positive views about the business
Stuart Jackson
March 9, 2017
Seek is a high quality business that has been a core part of our portfolio for a few years. We like Seek for a number of reasons. These include its dominant market position and its ability to pull the pricing power lever. The company lived up to our expectations when it recently delivered its HY17 results. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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Was Ramsay’s Chris Rex really worth a billion dollars?
Ben MacNevin
March 2, 2017
Ramsay Health Care produced a great result for the first half of FY17 and kept its tradition of upgrading full-year guidance. The market should have received this result well, particularly in light of weak industry activity, were it not for one bit of unexpected news – the retirement of CEO, Chris Rex. continue…
by Ben MacNevin Posted in Companies.
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REA continues to innovate and grow
Scott Shuttleworth
February 28, 2017
With property prices still heading north – particularly in the major capitals – we recently took the opportunity to meet with the CEO and CFO of REA Group (ASX: REA), Tracey Fellows and Owen Wilson. Our discussion gave us a greater insight into REA’s 1H17 result and the prospects of Australia’s leading online real estate advertising company. continue…
by Scott Shuttleworth Posted in Companies.
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Reviewing Isentia
Tim Kelley
February 23, 2017
As many investors have noted, iSentia Limited (ASX: ISD) delivered a poor earnings announcement yesterday. The Montgomery Fund and Montgomery [Private] Fund both hold positions in ISD, and so this is clearly disappointing for us. The combined holdings amounted to less than 2% of the assets in those Funds before the announcement, so the damage was contained, but nonetheless, disappointing. continue…
by Tim Kelley Posted in Companies.
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Why we continue to like Challenger
Roger Montgomery
February 20, 2017
Challenger Financial Group (ASX:CGF) has over $60b in assets, commands the leading market position in annuities, and has a growth profile that should be supported by a rising tide of superannuation assets. We like the business – it’s one of Montgomery’s larger positions. Our views were confirmed this week, when Challenger presented its interim results.
continue…by Roger Montgomery Posted in Companies, Editor's Pick.
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IDP capitalises on global demand for a good education
Stuart Jackson
February 14, 2017
IDP Education (ASX:IEL) is a provider of international student placement and English language testing services. It also owns English language schools in South East Asia and organises educational events and conferences. IDP’s strong result for the six months to December 2016 saw a spike in its share price, and confirmed our faith in this high quality business. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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Genworth’s result points to increasing levels of stress in our highly geared economy
Stuart Jackson
February 10, 2017
If you want to find more signs of stress in the Australian economy, then look no further than the recent result of Genworth (GMA:ASX), our largest mortgage insurer. In its announcement, GMA noted rising delinquencies, moderating economic conditions, and increasing underemployment. The result also signals that bad debt provisions may be a headwind for banks in FY18. continue…
by Stuart Jackson Posted in Companies.
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