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Your next-generation A1 invitation

Your next-generation A1 invitation

The time has arrived.

My team and I are delighted to invite Value.able Graduates to pre-register for Skaffold®, our next-generation A1 service.

Skaffold is the stock market like you’ve never seen it before – the world’s best visuals combined with its most reputable information and ideas.

Amazing, incredible, simple. That’s Skaffold.

Those who have already seen Skaffold called it “the missing piece”.

Value.able Graduates will receive a personal invitation today. Keep an eye out for an email from me with the subject line “Your next-generation A1 invitation. Here it is”.

IMPORTANT: It has come to our attention that some @optusnet.com.au email addresses did not receive my invitation. Rest assured, if you have contacted us, posted a comment here at the blog or on my Facebook page, or simply not received your invitation, my team will be in touch.

Posted by Roger Montgomery, Skaffold® member #1.

Skaffold® is a registered trademark of Skaffold Pty Limited.


Roger Montgomery is the Founder and Chairman of Montgomery Investment Management. Roger has over three decades of experience in funds management and related activities, including equities analysis, equity and derivatives strategy, trading and stockbroking. Prior to establishing Montgomery, Roger held positions at Ord Minnett Jardine Fleming, BT (Australia) Limited and Merrill Lynch.

This post was contributed by a representative of Montgomery Investment Management Pty Limited (AFSL No. 354564). The principal purpose of this post is to provide factual information and not provide financial product advice. Additionally, the information provided is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion about any financial product. Any commentary and statements of opinion however may contain general advice only that is prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial circumstances or needs. Because of this, before acting on any of the information provided, you should always consider its appropriateness in light of your personal objectives, financial circumstances and needs and should consider seeking independent advice from a financial advisor if necessary before making any decisions. This post specifically excludes personal advice.

Why every investor should read Roger’s book VALUE.ABLE


find out more



    • Hi Shane. You pre-registered for Skaffold on 6 September! Skaffold has sent you another two emails since then. Have you received the emails? Your invitation to join Skaffold will arrive on 1 November. If we can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Roger’s team.

  1. Hi Roger,
    I am a Value able graduate.
    Would you kindly send information to me relating to Skaffold ??
    Thank you in advance.
    Tony Austen

    • Hi Tony,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately your invitation to pre-register for Skaffold bounced. We have taken the liberty of pre-registering your details. If you don’t receive an email from Skaffold soon, please let us know.

      Roger’s team

  2. Hi Roger and Team,
    Can I get another invitation please since the one I got takes me to a page that has a drop down box and my email address and that’s it.


  3. Hello,

    I have not received an invitation to scaffold. I purchased the wonderful book and have read it but not sent you a photo yet. I am really looking forward to seeing it. Thank you for all your hard work.


    • Hi Katy,

      Have you changed email addresses? We have a @pac.com.au address for you. Your invitation to pre-register for Skaffold was sent on 6 and 21 September, however it appears you did not receive our emails. If you would like to get in touch with us – team@skaffold.com – we’ll be delighted to pre-register your details.

      Roger’s team.

  4. Hi roger, Can you send the invitation link to my email? much appreciated ! please send it to this email (louisnguan@gmail.com) instead of my old email account.
    I am 2010 valuable graduated :)..love your book and hope will enjoy skaffold too .

    • Good morning Lewis! Have you read Value.able and subsequently graduated? The reason I ask is because we are having trouble matching your email address to a Value.able order. Have you changed email addresses recently? Roger’s Team.

  5. Hi Roger
    Love your service and have been hoping you’d start to leverage all that value.able IP you’ve accumulated. I’m not exactly sure what constitutes a graduate but I did purchase (and enjoy) your book back on 22 June 2010. Hope to get an invite via email soon.

  6. Hi Roger,

    I received the invitation for the Skaffold A1 Service. Without hesitation I registered for it.

    Many thanks to you and your team for the generosity of making it available for us and for the effort you have all put in to have an incredible investment tool to use… I have no reservations about it.


  7. Hi Roger,

    Please can you send the registration to my email address as I have not received it yet.

    Many Thanks, you guys are doing a great job.

  8. Cameron Howlett

    Hi guys,

    Can you send through the invitation as I did not receive it. Much appreciated.


  9. Hey, I haven’t received any email yet. I’m sure im signed up, but nothing yet. Great job guys on the service, I’m definantly looking forward to it!

      • Of course I have, fantastic read, definantly changed the way I think about investing! Would you like me to email you a photo with me holding the book as others have? Great work Roger and his team!

      • A photo would be great! We’ll have your pre-registration taken care of ASAP Lewis. There was some confusion regarding your surname, and your purchase was made using a different email address. Roger’s Team.

      • No worries, posted a picture on the Facebook page, hope this helps! Looking forward to it, thanks Roger’s Team

  10. Hi, Roger, I bought your book of value. able last November. I read it all. Now I am reading it the second time. I am new to the investment world. Your book is the first investment book that I can thoroughly enjoy to read second time. Browsing on your blog is my daily routine. I love your common sense approach. I certainly switch off from following the market price. I feel more calm towards the share market. I am very sure the value.able would be my bible in my investment experience. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world. All the best to you and your team. Do you still accept the people to your next generation A1 services? Many thanks to answer my questions. Anna

  11. Roger

    Given Skaffold’s role in offering quality ratings, this might be a good spot for me to raise a question about your recent Eureka article on the manufacturers.

    It was interesting, but I nearly fell off my chair to see the paper merchant, Paperlinx (PPX), rated as B2 under your quality system.

    I know some people who held on to it, since it was spun out of Amcor (AMC), and it’s been an awful investment, over promising
    and under delivering. In 10 years, it’s gone from about $3.60 to $0.10.

    However, I am sure you must have reasonable basis for
    your rating, but what can it be?


  12. Hi Rodger,

    Read your book (loved it!), but have not received an email about Skaffold. Can you please email me the details (simondezius@hotmail.com).


    • Will do Simon,

      We have had a few bounces because investors have changed their email address and a bunch have found the email in their junk folder too. Rest assured the team are all over it and this blog is a great way for finding out who else has an email address that’s gone astray…

  13. Hi Roger, I’ve pre-registered for your service.

    Regarding price of the new service. I am a small-time investor (approx $25k in the market) and have no more money to invest in the near future.

    Will there be a package for people who may only invest a couple of times per year? For example, if the service was an annual subscription in the hundreds of dollars, it would not be worth it for me.

    But if there was a cheaper, low level usage plan, then I would probably go for it (eg. a daily access charge or pay-per-view).

    Also, will there be a free trial?


      • Hi Roger,

        I am trying to understand how your answer relates to Darren’s question, as I am also “small-time”. Are you saying that you think that a subscription to your new Skaffold service would be uneconomical for Darren?

        Kind regards,

      • Hi Roger,

        Sorry, I just re-read my post and realised that I totally skirted around the obvious questions:
        (a) Is the price of Skaffold something that is available at the moment?
        (b) If not, when do you plan on unveiling it?

        I’m impatient, but only because I’m excited!

        Kind regards,

    • Hi Darren,

      As this blog often says, you must do your own research and make your own decisions.
      This is how I made my decision. I started to follow this blog in May 2010 and bought Roger’s book shortly after that. Prior to this, one of my “star” investments lost 42% in less than 2 months. Like you, I also started with about $25k. 16 months later my investments have increased 3 fold and my latest investment, bought about 11 weeks ago, has increased in value by 67%, while the ASX200 has dropped by 8%.
      I put all this down to the learnings from Roger’s book and this blog. For me, the answer is easy. I don’t think you need to have $millions to be able to get value out of Roger’s A1 service. As always, you need to do your own research and carefully select the businesses you want to invest in. You can still use the information incorrectly and do your doh. But for me, even a small-time investor will get something out of the service. Ultimately, it is an individuals decision to invest or not. Good luck with your decision and your future investing.

      • Hi Stuart, thanks for offering your experience.

        No doubt the service will be great and yes if you’ve tripled your money then you can probably afford to spend a bit (well done by the way). But there will always be a point where it would not be worth it for me.

        If the service is intended for active investors who are buying continually (eg. an annual subscription) then that’s probably not something I can get into right now. Unless of course the price was right for me.

        We’ll just have to wait and see. Since I’ve already admitted I won’t have any more money to invest for a while, it’s not something I’ll need to jump into anyway, but I would love to see it at work.

  14. Hi Roger
    Just got back from hearing you speak at AIA conference. Have received an invite for Skaffold – clicked on the link but nothing has happened yet?

    • Hi Tony. We discovered a browser issue with IE 7, which has subsequently been fixed. We have taken the liberty of pre-registering your details. You will receive an email from Skaffold shortly with more information about what happens next. Roger’s Team.

  15. Not sure if my new e-mail address has stopped my invite is there a contact number whom i could notify of this.

    • Unfortunately it appears that is the case Grant. We have taken the liberty of pre-registering your details. You will receive an email from us shortly with more information about what happens next. Adding ‘roger@rogermontgomery.com’ and ‘team@skaffold.com’ will help avoid this problem in the future.

  16. I hope you will have a nice app for iPad:)
    Thank you Roger for the invitation you sent us today.
    Best regards,

    • Yes, of course Mark. Your invitation was sent to a different email address yesterday morning. Look out for an email from Skaffold with the subject ‘Your Founding Member invitation will arrive soon’ that includes details about what happens next. Roger’s Team.

  17. …and if the enthusiastic assistance I received from Vanessa from the Skaffold team is anything to go by, you truly have a complete A1 service in the offing!!

  18. Looking forward to it Roger, although had a bit of a chuckle to myself at the name Skaffold, sounds like a shelving unit from Ikea, i’m sure we won’t need an allen key for yours though

  19. Hi Roger

    It looks clear to us that this will be all that you have promised. We are already in line for more details via email to you Well done.

    David & Anna

  20. Hi Roger, I purchased your Valueable book about 12 months ago and have read it several times. I now have great confidence when it comes to investing in the stock market based on following the principles in your book. I also enjoy your wisdom on switzer and your money your call. As a follower of your popular blog, I would like to pre register for you new A1 service Skaffold. It looks exciting and would be proud to be apart of it. Can you or your team please provide instruction if this is possible. Best regards Dylan.

    • Good morning Dylan. Thank you for encouraging words. Indeed your invitation was emailed yesterday morning. It may have ended up in your junk folder? In any case, we have taken the liberty of pre-registering your details. You will receive an email from Skaffold shortly with more information about what happens next. You may also like to view this short video at Skaffold’s YouTube Channel –  http://www.youtube.com/skaffoldapp. Roger’s Team.

  21. 1) The value is not really intrinsic since it adopts the philosophy of ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, in that the answer varies depending on what return the investor wants.
    2) Can the method be applied to companies whose pay-out ratio is more than 100%, for example utilities such as DUET. What happens is that the part of the valuatiuon that is derived from Table 11.2 becomes negative. I suspect that the answer is no – Buffet would probably never invest in such entities.

    • That’s easy David just assume 100% but don’t assume paying more can continue indefinitely unless cash flow far exceeds reported profits, capital is raised or gearing is increased.

  22. Vocus Communications (VOC) recently posted a profit increase of 80% but the price has dropped. Is it still a company you rate highly?
    Regards Derek

  23. Rodger,
    I clicked on the Register now and a page appeared with my name and mail address and the word scaffold on it. Thats all no info or even to say I have been registered, Is this as it should be? Regards Ian Bowditch

  24. Roger
    Great News!!!.

    Found a google search on “Skaffold” to revel some interesting results

    Thanks for the Education.

  25. Hi Roger,

    best of luck with this new venture. From what i have seen through your sneak peaks i think it looks like a wonderful product. Alas, probably about a year to early for me, both financially and time wise in regards to my learning journey. I still want to do the hard yards to teach myself this value investing thing. But look forward to maybe being a customer in the coming years.

    Interesting name. Makes me kind of think of a funky, building the foundations sort of thing. I guess, giving the strucure one needs to construct their own successful investing career.

    I am sure it will be a success Roger, all the best to yuo and your team behind Montgomery HQ and congratulations on your newest venture.

    • Premium, yet extremely affordable Ben. Indeed, some people who have seen Skaffold tell us our pricing is significantly ‘undervalued’ given the quality and depth of the app! Roger’s Team.

      • Or should you say, Roger, that it is an A1 at a large discount to intrinsic value with great prospects! I’m looking forward to it. Best wishes and kind regards, Mick.

      • Without the answer to the sixty-four thousand dollar question – the price of subscription – I currently am not in a position to determine the value for money considering my investment profile and funds available to invest.

        There may be people for whom a simple $49.95 investment in Value.able is better at this point in time.

        Don’t get me wrong, I really hope this is something I can justify getting on board with. Patience and time will tell.

      • Just a thought:-
        Perhaps a pay by the month option could be a consideration firstly, followed by an alternate single yearly payment option to get the bakers dozen and the 13th month free.

        Looking forward to the release.


  26. Congratulations, To all involved in this project.
    I know that many hours were spent on a solution that will help all those wanting to be long term value based investors.
    This is a cracking product and the best on the market cutting out the noise and making the investor focus on what is really important when it comes to investing.
    I look forward to using it

    • Good morning Darrel. We have emailed your invitation however your email address is returning a hard bounce. I will try using your Gmail address. If you would like to email us as opposed to commenting at the blog, that may help solve the issue. We’ll wait to hear from you. Roger’s Team.

      • Hi Rogers team
        At present at sea on MV Maasdam & have just left Prince Edward Island which is famous for the birth placeof the author of Anne of Green Gables.
        This may not mean much to the younger generation but us oldies will be familiar with the novel.
        Hope you can now send me the details of A1
        Darrel Harris

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